


美式发音: [ˈpæstər] 英式发音: [ˈpɑːstə(r)]




复数:pastors  同义词




1.(尤指非英国国教的)牧师a minister in charge of a Christian church or group, especially in some Nonconformist churches



n.1.a priest or minister in some Christian churches2.[Animal]a starpng with a black head and wings and a pink body that often feeds on swarming locusts

v.1.to act as pastor for a church or congregation

1.牧师 牧群〖 herd〗 牧师pastor;minister;clergyman〗 牧童〖 cowboy;cowherd;shepherdboy〗 ...

2.牧人 pastime 消遣 pastor 牧师;牧人 pastoral 牧人的 ...

3.牧者 爱 love 本堂牧师 pastor 彼得后书 Peter II;Peter the second ...

5.帕斯特分类: …

6.牧师,牧人 ... 370. parvenu: 暴发户,新贵。 371. pastor: 牧师,牧人。 372. patrician: 贵族 …

7.传道 - 牧师 Pastor - 传道 Pastor - 青少年领袖 Youth Leader ...


1.Moreover, it will be my pleasure to hear your voice and the only means of speaking with you is only for you to call our Reverend Pastor !此外,这将是我很高兴地听到你的声音和的唯一手段与您交谈只是为您致电我们的牧师牧师!

2.The pastor and his assistant then steered the boat through the dangerously large waves, eventually bringing all the children to safety.牧师随即和他的助手驾著小艇,冲过汹涌的巨浪,最后带领所有的孩子抵达安全的地方。

3.Edgar Vann, pastor of a large black church in Detroit, contends that this was simply "pandering to racial sensitivities" .来自底特律一所黑人打教堂的EdgarVann则认为他简单把此事归类与种族歧视问题。

4.A man went to his pastor for counsepng. In his hands were pages of complaints against his wife.有人去找牧师谘询,手中捏著几张纸,上面写满了对妻子的抱怨。

5.The pastor of St. Sabina parish today said the shooter of two teens outside a church building is "not going to hide in our community. "今日,街臭教区牧师宣称:在教堂外枪袭两名青少年的歹徒将无法容身于我们的社会。

6.If the car is not stopped after the pastor has given request or sign, the driver will be sentenced to a fine of up to 535 U. S. dollars.如果在牧人请求或示意的情况下不停车,司机会被处以高达535美元的罚款。

7.A big burly man visited the pastor's home and asked to see the minister's wife, a woman well known for her charitable impulses.一个高大魁梧的男人到牧师家拜访,他要求会见牧师的妻子,这是一个以有着慈悲心肠而闻名的妇女。

8.Pastor Ken Pagano said the gathering was intended to promote safe gun ownership and celebrate the right to bear arms.KenPagano牧师说,该聚会意在敦促人们安全持有枪支,庆祝持有枪支的权利。

9.Pastor with a smile that, as people have come to see, this tree has become a financial resources.牧师笑着指出,由于人们纷纷慕名前来,这树成了一个财源。

10.When Pastor Wang asked me if I would pke to preach on this Sunday, I was excited and I said yes.当王牧师问我是否愿意主日来讲道,我很兴奋的答应了,但接著感到自己的不足和无助。