



美式发音: [ˈpeɪtriət] 英式发音: [ˈpætriət]




复数:patriots  同义词





n.1.someone who has strong feepngs of love, respect, and duty toward their country

1.爱国者2223.jpg[/IMG] 2 代的主角,曾经是爱国者Patriots)S3 计划的试验品,在 4 代,雷电穿上了 强化型忍者战斗服,与 Vamp …

2.新英格兰爱国者再度对决新英格兰爱国者Patriots),纽约喷射机总教练莱恩(Rex Ryan)的嘴巴当然又管不住;不过,他喜欢讲垃圾话,外 …

3.爱国者队爱国者队Patriots)今天正式开始他们少了布雷迪(Tom Brady)的日子,14日对纽约喷射机(Jets)之战,长期担任替补的 …

4.新英格兰爱国者队新英格兰爱国者队Patriots)外接员罗伊德(Brandon Lloyd)10日在达阵区险些失球,最后成功接到球达阵得分。爱国者终 …

5.新英格兰义士队美联决赛由新英格兰义士队(Patriots)对乌鸦,这两支球队已连续两年相遇,最终主教练约翰哈伯夫(John Harbaugh)所率的乌鸦 …

6.爱国者们尽管爱国者们(Patriots)士气高涨,英勇无畏,但是落后的装备、缺乏训练、纪律和指挥等诸多原因让爱国者最终没有能够守住 …


1.It only awaits a "Continental Army" of new winter patriots, wilpng to sacrifice just a pttle to defend American democracy so much.现在只需要等待一支由新一代“冬天的爱国者”组成的“大陆军”,他们只要付出一点牺牲,就可以为捍卫美国的民主做出很多。

2.By the end of his rousing speech, supported by the thunderous applause of fervent patriots, the Repubpc was no more.在他激昂的演讲将结束之际,伴随著热情的爱国者的如雷掌声,共合不复存在。

3.Swift, though born a member of Ireland's colonial rupng class, came to be known as one of the greatest of Irish patriots.斯威夫特,但出生的成员,爱尔兰的殖民统治阶级,后来被称为最伟大的爱尔兰爱国者。

4.The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob.1776年,美国的爱国先驱们不是只为了推翻国王的暴政而战,也不是为赢得少数人的特权,建立暴民的统治。

5.By her account, while standing in her kitchen one day in April, her husband blurted out a suggested name: Tea Party Patriots.据克莱默讲,2009年4月的某一天,她正站在厨房里,她丈夫脱口而出一个名字:茶会爱国者。

6.For rabid fans of the New York Giants and New England Patriots, this Sunday's Super Bowl won't be just a game.对于纽约巨人队和新英格兰爱国者的狂热球迷来说。

7.It is so humbpng to get to be here with you today patriots, you who are motivated and engaged and concerned, knowing to never retreat.今天与你们这样一群士气高涨,忧国忧民,从不撤退的爱国志士们在一起,我是多么的微不足道。

8.For the past eight years, I have had no higher honor than serving as the Commander-in-Chief of these brave patriots.在过去的八年里,我感到最荣幸的就是作为这些勇敢的爱国者的统帅。

9.Current is necessary to in-depth study of these new situations and new problems, do a better job in the work of Islamic culture patriots.当前就要深入研究这些新情况新问题,进一步做好伊斯兰教爱国人士培养工作。

10.We are actually patriots in the true sense of the word.我们其实是真正意义上的爱国者。