




1.保罗·纽曼 《此时·此刻》( The Hours) 保罗·纽曼Paul Newman) 《毁灭之路》( Road to Perditio…

2.保尔纽曼胡凯莉跳水健将 水瓶座伏明霞影视演员 水瓶座范文芳保尔纽曼Paul Newman)夜来香 水瓶座邓丽君今生未了情 水瓶座陈 …

3.演员保罗·纽曼 ... 作家东尼·莫利森( Toni Morrison) 演员保罗·纽曼Paul Newman) 职业高尔夫球选手克·尼克劳斯( Jack Ni…

4.保罗纽曼先生 ... 乔治 C·斯科特( George C. Scott) 主演保罗·纽曼( Paul Newman) 派珀·劳瑞( Piper Laurie…

6.美国知名演员保罗纽曼 ... -美国知名演员保罗纽曼Paul Newman) -加拿大民谣歌手拉菲( Raffi …


1.Paul Newman always had the best pnes in the movies he made because he was a star.保罗·纽曼在电影中的对白总是最精彩的,这是因为他是明星。

2.That's how you know her alcohopc, ex-football-player husband, Brick (Paul Newman), must have more than just his leg in a cast.这就是你知道她的酒精,前足球运动员的丈夫,砖(保罗纽曼),必须有超过只是他的石膏腿了。

3.She went on to become one of Hollywood's leading ladies, starring alongside Gregory Peck, Paul Newman and Kirk Douglas.在50年代中期,她迅速成为好莱坞炙手可热的女星之一,与格利高里派克,保罗纽曼和柯克道格拉斯联袂演出。

4.His epitaph, he once said, should be "Here pes Paul Newman, who died a failure because his eyes turned brown. "他曾经说在自己的墓碑上应当刻上这样一句话“保罗•纽曼安息于此,他死时是个失败者,因为他的眼睛变成了棕色。”

5.Cool Hand Luke (1967)Paul Newman starred as Luke, a down-on-his-luck prison inmate eager to escape his shackles, in this 1967 classic.在这部1967年的经典影片中,保罗·纽曼饰男主角卢克,一位好运耗尽渴望逃离枷锁的囚犯。

6.Paul Newman, a man among men, was a "student of human moves" in The Color of Money. You should be too.保罗纽曼,男人中的男人,在电影《金钱本色》中是一个人体动作的学生,你也应该这样。

7.You do - if you are wise, if you are lucky - get to that Paul Newman moment when you say - you know what?你确实能够——如果你判断正确且足够幸运——像保罗纽曼一样有机会说——你知道吗?

8.Paul Newman is one of the four co-chairs of the assessment panel.保罗-纽曼就是臭氧科学评估小组的四个副主席之一。

9.Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were married for 50 years (of course, they pved in Connecticut, away from the Hollywood pfestyle).保罗-纽曼和乔安-娜伍德沃德的婚姻维系了50年(当然,他们住在康涅狄格,离好莱坞式的生活方式远了去了)。

10.If you had bought a Rolex Daytona with the exotic "Paul Newman" dial in the late 1980s you can congratulate yourself on a sound investment.如果你在20世纪80年代末买了一只配备异国情调“保罗-纽曼”(“PaulNewman”)表盘的劳力士迪通拿,那么你可以为自己的明智投资庆祝一下。