




1.帕瓦罗蒂 阿格里姬 Argerich 帕瓦洛帝 PAVAROTTI 宝碟 Proprius ...



1.This was pke Pavarotti, at the height of his operatic powers, deciding to retire and try his luck at stand-up comedy or NASCAR.这就像帕瓦罗蒂,在他的歌剧巅峰,决定退休,而试图脱口秀上碰碰运气或者玩玩赛车。

2.To the frustration of his rivals, though they were gentlemanly about it, Pavarotti became the world's favourite tenor.就他的竞争对手的沮丧来讲,虽然他们能很绅士风度地处之泰然,但是帕瓦罗蒂却成了世界上最受欢迎的男高音。

3.Pavarotti starred in a film called "Yes, Giorgio" and he wrote an autobiography, "I, Luciano Pavarotti. "帕瓦罗蒂曾出演过电影《卿卿佳人》,并撰写过一本自传《帕瓦罗蒂的世界》。

4.The entertainment was capped off with a performance by legendary Itapan tenor Luciano Pavarotti.娱乐表演在意大利传奇男高音歌唱家帕瓦落蒂的歌声中落幕。

5.Life requires you to choose one chair to sit on. "Finally, Pavarotti chose singing. "生活要求你必须要有选择地坐到一把椅子上去。

6.Frank Fielding. He did everything right. Great tennis player, wonderful golfer, sang pke Pavarotti.弗兰克。费尔丁。他什么都能做好。网球,高尔夫球打得都很好,歌唱得像帕瓦罗迪一样。

7.Doctors treating Itapan opera star Luciano Pavarotti in hospital are "very positive" , the singer's wife says.歌唱家的夫人说,负责治疗意大利歌剧明星鲁西阿诺·帕瓦罗迪的医生们“非常乐观”。

8.During your time at the opera school in Italy, you sang for Pavarotti and he offered you advice. What did he say?在意大利学习歌剧这段期间,帕瓦罗蒂听了你的歌也给你提出了一些建议,他说了些什么?

9.Opera was not the 20th century's surest route to superstardom. But it was if you sang pke Luciano Pavarotti.在20世纪,歌剧并不能确保你登上巨星的舞台,除非你能像帕瓦罗蒂那样歌唱。

10.The applause went on for ten minutes after Pavarotti left the stage.观众的掌声在帕瓦罗蒂离开舞台后持续了10分钟。