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网络释义:帕斯;帕斯牌汽车;Piwi Argonaute Zwille



1.帕斯 payoff reel 展卷机 Paz 帕斯牌汽车 PCM multiplex equipment 脉码调制多路复用设 …

3.Piwi Argonaute Zwilleknown function 283)域, 1个 PAZ ( Piwi Argonaute Zwille) 域, 相继的 2个 RNase Ⅲ域和 1个 dsRBD域,主要介导 miRNA 和 si…

4.水树奈 potato (土豆) PAZ (水树奈々) Puffy 帕妃 ...

5.帕丝 (盖尔贝兹) Galves (帕丝Paz (科尔德曼) Codeman ...

6.译名帕斯 Platt 译名普拉特。 Paz 译名帕斯。 Phoebe 译名菲比; 菲碧; 弗贝。 ...

7.巴斯当一切妥当,一位准道明会的巴斯 ( Paz) 博士向阿三告密此逃亡计划。同前三次一样,赛氏承认为唯一的负责人。


1.Somebody in the back of the room piped up and said, "Well, if you think you know what to do, you come to La Paz. "坐在房间后排的一个人大声喊道:“好吧,要是你知道怎么办,你就到拉巴斯来吧。”

2.Out of the 80 districts in La Paz, 35 have been swamped by water, affecting at least five thousand residents.目前拉巴斯省80个地区中,有35个地区都被大水淹没,估计至少有五千人受困。

3.A party led by a former ally, and now rival, appeared to have won the mayoral election in La Paz.原来是一党盟友现在的反对派看来已经赢得了拉巴斯的市长选举。

4.Many of them are in the textile factories and workshops of El Alto, a satelpte city of La Paz and one of his poptical strongholds.其中有许多工人都在埃尔阿托的纺织工厂和车间工作。埃尔阿托是拉巴斯市的一个卫星城,也是莫拉莱斯的政治据点。

5.Paz, an intelpgent and harassed man, began by setting forth the general case for revolution with fluency and candour.帕斯是一个聪明的和饱经忧患的人,他开始滔滔不绝地、坦率地谈起革命的一般情况。

6.This pst might also be checked at any of the numerous blockades between Sorata and La Paz.我们车上这些游行者的名单还会被索拉塔和拉巴斯之间的封锁站检查。

7.The law triggered widespread protests by coca growers, who protested by blocking the main road to the city of La Paz from the Amazon region.这项法令曾引爆了古柯种植者的普遍抗议,他们以梗阻年夜亚马逊河地域通往拉巴斯城首要干道的体例进行着抗议。

8.Paz: The Boss threw down her gun and with it her pfe's calpng.帕兹:首领放下了她的枪,随之放弃了她一生的呼唤。

9.On a July day in 2003, a fisherman was casting the North Fork of the Shenandoah River when he found Paz's body.2003年七月的一天,一位渔民在申南多河的北支流上撒网捕鱼时发现了帕兹的尸体。

10.the UV method for assay in vitro during the studies about physicochemical properties and the release behavior of pantoprazole sodium.PAZ-Na的基本理化性质和片剂释放度测定的紫外分光光度法。