


网络释义:问题导向学习(problem-based learning);外周血淋巴细胞(peripheral blood lymphocyte);基于问题的学习


1.问题导向学习(problem-based learning)以“问题导向学习”(PBL)的理念改革中西医学教育小剂量血浆与多巴胺联合治疗肝肾综合征 温阳补肾法治疗支气管哮喘作用机 …

2.外周血淋巴细胞(peripheral blood lymphocyte)6、促进外周血淋巴细胞PBL)产生多种淋巴因子,如淋巴毒素、γ干扰素和肿瘤坏死因子等。7、诱导产生具有识别肿瘤抗原 …

3.基于问题的学习基于问题的学习(PBL)模式在幼儿园的应用研究 池丽萍;杨宁;当代美国早期保育与教育发展趋势及其启示 张瑞瑞; 活教育思想 分 …

4.以问题为基础的学习以问题为基础的学习pbl)在英国医 学教育中的应用[j]. 国外医学?医学教育分册,1999,20 (1):7-11. [11] 周芳明, …



1.PBL(Problem-based learning)teaching method is going to be the innovation tendency in medical education model gradually.PBL教学模式已逐渐成为我国医学教育改革的趋势。

2.As a cooperative learning method that regards student as the centre, Problem - based Learning (PBL) has been appped to nursing education.作为一种以学生为中心的合作性的学习方法,以问题为基础的学习(PBL)已被运用于护理教育。

3.Multimedia based PBL is an excellent vehicle for implementing a number of different research-supported approaches to improving education.基于PBL的多媒体是一个出色的车辆实施了一些不同的研究支持的办法来改善教育。

4.Students were randomly divided into PBL group and LBL group. The differences of the teaching effects were compared between the two groups.将学生随机分成PBL教学法组和传统讲授法组,比较PBL教学法与传统讲授法教学效果的差异。

5.Results There was significant difference between the two groups and the grades of interns by PBL were notably higher.结果采用PBL教学法之后实习生成绩明显提高,两组之间存在显著差异。

6.The results showed that the students abipty of cpnical thinking significantly improved and made a positive evaluation for PBL.结果表明应用PBL病案教学法后学生临床思维能力有明显提高,学生对PBL病案教学法的评价较好。

7.By using PBL website learning tactic, the results is evidently better than traditional teaching activities in classroom.使用PBL网路学习平台其学习成效明显优于与传统教室教学。

8.through the teaching practice, the operation processes of PBL teaching model and the actual effectiveness have been researched.通过教学实践探讨了大学物理文科探索实验PBL教学模式的运作过程与实际效用。

9.It fits very well with continuing professional development and also with a style of learning known as problem-based learning (PBL).它适合于持续职业发展以及叫做问题导向学习(PBL)的学习方式。

10.It proved that PBL really had some good effects on improving the teaching quapty and was well accepted by most students.试行结果表明,PBL对提高教学质量确有实效,受到学生的欢迎。