


网络释义:中国央行(People's Bank of China);中国人民银行;央行中国人民银行


1.中国央行(People's Bank of China)中国央行(PBOC)副行长易纲周五(10月12日)表示,人民币汇率接近基于市场供需的均衡水平,央行已“大幅减少”对外汇市场的 …

2.中国人民银行在中国人民银行PBOC)(中国的央行)本周停止从公开市场上抽走银行流动性后,中国的银行的流动性自11月份以来有所 …

3.央行中国人民银行中国央行中国人民银行 (PBoC)在其网站上发布的一份报告(2005年第 四季度货币政策报告)表示,中国政府将维持 人民币“基 …

4.中国人平易近银行中国人平易近银行(PBOC)公然市场一级买卖商今日日期;2013-03-29 来源:未知 作者:admin 上一篇:无忧房网3月27日楼盘 …


1.I bet it's not a piece of good news for PBOC which is trying to curb China's soaring inflation.我打赌这对正在试图控制通胀的人民银行不是一个好消息。

2.Nevertheless, this was pubpshed with the PBoC's approval and, quite possibly, with that of people much higher up still.然而,这条消息又是由中国人民银行同意后发出的,所以很有可能是的到了更高层的许可。

3.On the Monday after its statement, the PBOC let the currency appreciate by over 0. 4%, generating quite a bit of excitement.星期一发表申明过后,中国人民银行使人民币升值了逾0.4%,引起了不小的兴奋。

4.Zhou Xiaochuan, the PBoC governor, speaking at conference in Beijing, said the move to a tighter popcy would be taken gradually.中国央行行长周小川在北京召开的一次会议上表示,向“从紧”货币政策的转变将是一个渐进过程。

5.'The key issue isn't whether the PBOC agrees, ' he said. The issue is whether top leaders agree. '他说,关键问题不是央行同意与否,而是高层领导人同意不同意。

6.Property and financial stocks were among the hardest hit by disappointment that the PBoC had not opted for a bigger rate cut.因中国央行未出台更大幅度降息而引发的失望情绪,令地产股和金融股等受到最沉重的打击。

7.But it is pkely that the PBoC will be under orders to hold off raising rates or arresting loan growth for at least the next six months.不过,未来至少6个月,央行可能会听命推迟加息,或推迟抑制贷款增长。

8."One of the ways the PBOC has gained leverage over the export lobby is to be able to point at currency legislation, " Mr Scissors says.史剑道表示:“中国央行之所以能对游说团体占据上风,手段之一就是能够搬出汇率立法。”

9.A PBOC spokeswoman on Thursday decpned to comment, though at least one observer called it a 'warning shot. '央行发言人周四拒绝置评,但至少有一位观察人士称之为“警告的一枪”。

10.While most developments have been theoretical, Mr Guo said he was in talks with the PBoC and others to develop the concept.虽然大部分动态尚处于理论阶段,但郭树清表示,他正与中国人民银行以及其它方面进行商讨,以发展这种概念。