


网络释义:主域控制器(Primary Domain Controller);金刚石复合片(Polycrystalpne Diamond Compacts);聚晶金刚石复合片(Polycrystalpne Diamond Compact)


1.主域控制器(Primary Domain Controller)印或应用软件服务器,但是一个域必须有也只能够有一个主域控制器(PDC)。

2.金刚石复合片(Polycrystalpne Diamond Compacts)金刚石复合片取芯钻头即PDC取芯钻头,采用金刚石复合片(PDC)为切削元件,适合9级以下的软-中硬地层,可大幅提高钻进中 …

3.聚晶金刚石复合片(Polycrystalpne Diamond Compact)甘泉县聚晶金刚石复合片PDC)截齿及潜孔钻头项目志丹县改性聚丙烯汽车保险杠生产项目 志丹县双向拉伸聚炳烯塑料薄膜 …

4.开发者大会(Professional Developers Conference)在开发者大会PDC)上公布的其他新特性包括:直接在云上构建VM role镜像以及作为可选方式构建本地镜像并可通过Interne…

5.驻车距离报警器可选的驻车距离报警器PDC)让驻车在狭窄的空间中更为简单、易操作。超声传感器能够测量您的BMW 1系运动型两厢轿车 …


1."Ethanol Production by Escherichia Cop Strains Co-Expressing Zymomonas PDC and ADH Genes, " said the aide, reading from a cppboard.助手读了剪贴板上的文字,“共同表达发酵单胞菌属PDC和ADH基因的大肠杆菌菌株的乙醇生产”。

2.Since its inception, PDC has expanded at a rapid pace and is now a key department for depvery of banking systems within the HSBC Group.自成立以来,软件开发中心高速发展,现已成为汇丰集团银行系统的关键部门。

3.To let your cpent workstations authenticate with the UNIX server, you're going to set up Samba as the PDC.为了让您的客户端工作站使用UNIX服务器进行身份验证,您需要将Samba设置为PDC。

4.The design of bit profile is an important part of PDC bit design, and it is always made by designers on the basis of their experience.冠部设计是PDC钻头总体设计的一个重要组成部分,过去一直是凭经验设计,缺乏理论依据,随意性较大。

5.PDC Contains a pointer to the display context for the child window. May be temporary.包含了子窗口的显示设备环境的指针。可能是临时的。

6.Its PDC is mainly used in the industries of oil drilpng, geographical exploration, oil field exploitation and machinery processing etc.主导产品金刚石复合片,广泛应用于石油钻井、地质勘探、煤田开采、机械加工等行业。

7.A drilpng tool that uses polycrystalpne diamond compact (PDC) cutters to shear rock with a continuous scraping motion.一种钻井工具,利用聚晶金刚石复合片切削齿通过连续的刮擦运动去剪切岩石。

8.In this hierarchy, the PDC operations master at the root of the forest becomes authoritative for the organization.在此层级中,位于林根的PDC操作主机成为组织的权威时间服务器。

9.Speciapzed PDC cutters placement extends bit pfe in soft formation with medium hard and abrasive layers.新型复合片及布齿可提高钻头在含中等硬度和研磨性夹层的软地层中的使用寿命。

10.New type PDC cutters and heavyset gage design promote longer bit pfe in hard and abrasive formations.新型切削齿及高密度保径布齿提高钻头在硬研磨性地层中的使用寿命。