



美式发音: [per] 英式发音: [peə(r)]






n.1.[Plant]a fruit that is smaller towards the stem end, is white inside, and has yellow, green, or brown skin. It grows on a pear tree

1.梨牌 乐洁庄园( Lejee) 梨牌( pears) 蕾莉欧( L'ERBOLARIO) ...

2.梨子 mangoes( 芒果) , pears( 梨子) , pineapples( 菠萝) ...

3.西洋梨 M&Ms 巧克力豆 Pears 梨牌润肤露 Pears 梨牌护手霜 ...

5.炖梨子 Apples 炖苹果 Pears 炖梨子 Peaches 炖桃子 ...

6.英国经典老牌梨牌 Palmer's/ 雅儿 Pears/ 英国经典老牌梨牌 PIGEON/ 日本贝亲 ...


1.Plus, studies out of Washington State and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight.而且,根据华盛顿和巴西的研究表明,那些每天至少吃三个苹果的人会减肥。

2.How much a kilo are the pears?这些梨多少钱一千克?

3.How much is a pound of pears?一磅梨多少钱

4.Amy: I want one apple, two oranges, two bananas and three pears. How much are they?艾米:我想一个苹果,两个桔子,两个香蕉和三个梨子。他们多少钱?。

5.I thought of every possible ways to save myself, boipng water with ginger and sugar, making pears to be hot and ate them.我以每一个可能的途径,来拯救自己,用沸水与生姜及糖,梨煮热吃。

6.Seven pears, please. How much?请给七个梨。多少钱?

7.The fruits are also known as African pears and are oblong dark blue to violet fruits up to 14cm in length, with pale green flesh inside.果实也称为非洲梨,椭圆形,果皮颜色深蓝色和紫色相间,长约14厘米,内部果肉呈浅绿色。

8.I used to just wash things pke apples, peaches and pears before eating them. Now, however, I've made up my mind to peel them as well.以前在吃苹果、桃子、梨这些带皮的水果时,我都是直接用水洗洗就吃了,现在我决心,一定要先削皮。

9.Uribe tried to help Garza by sending him kiwis, grapefruit, pears and a protein supplement.乌里韦曾试图帮助加尔萨,并送给他猕猴桃,柚子,梨和蛋白质补充剂等物品。

10.Eventually, the basement floor disappeared under piles of potatoes, squash and pumpkins, and the barn began to fill with apples and pears.最后,地窖里遍地是大堆大堆的土豆、西葫芦、南瓜,谷仓里也储满了苹果和梨。