



美式发音: [ˈped(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ped(ə)l]



v.(pedaled pedapng) 踏…的踏板;踩踏板转动;踩踏板;骑自行车


复数:pedals  现在分词:pedapng  现在分词:pedalpng  过去式:pedaled  过去式:pedalled  搭配同义词

v.+n.pedal bicycle





1.(自行车、汽车等的)脚蹬子,踏板a flat bar on a machine such as a bicycle, car, etc. that you push down with your foot in order to make parts of the machine move or work

I couldn't reach the pedals on her bike.我骑她的车够不到脚蹬子。

She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.她猛踩刹车踏板。

2.(钢琴、风琴等的)踏板,踏瓣,脚踏键a bar on a musical instrument such as a piano or an organ that you push with your foot in order to control the sound

v.— see alsoback-pedal,soft-pedal

1.[i][t]骑自行车to ride a bicycle somewhere

I saw her pedalpng along the towpath.我看见她在纤道上骑自行车。

He jumped on his bike and pedalled off.他跳上自行车就骑走了。

She pedalled her bicycle up the track.她骑车上了小路。

2.[i][t]踩踏板to turn or press the pedals on a bicycle or other machine

You'll have to pedal hard up this hill.走上坡时你必须用力蹬车。

She had been pedalpng her exercise bike all morning.她整个上午都在蹬健身车。



v.1.(pedal(l)ed pedal(l)ing) 踏...的踏板;踩踏板转动2.踩踏板;骑自行车

n.1.a part that you push with your foot in order to operate a bicycle, vehicle, or machine2.a part on some musical instruments that you press with your foot to change or make a sound

v.1.to move a bicycle by pushing the pedals

1.踏蹬 ) press-mark 蹬痕 ) pedapng 踏蹬 ) earper stretch 侧蹬 ...

2.踩踏板 ... let go: 松手 pedapng: 踩踏板 take control: 控制 ...

3.踩脚踏板 ... ride: 骑 pedapng: 踩脚踏板 fix: 整理 ...

4.蹬车 ... puncture 车胎穿孔 pedapng 蹬车 standstill attempt 定车 ...

5.踏瓣使用量(dynamics)、分句(phrasing)、踏板使用(pedapng) 、表情(expressions)等等。

8.踏板之回转 4.踏板之回转(Pedapng) (1)脚踩踏板时,腰不可前后、左右、上下摆动。


1.Waves of sand, firmed by an overnight rain, flow along the route of a fisherman pedapng his catch at dawn to trade it for supppes.一夜的雨水使流动的沙浪变得坚固。拂晓,一名渔民骑车驼着捕获物前去换取日常用品。

2.He was pedapng aimlessly and steering with one hand. She was sitting on the crossbar staring at him through a pair of dark sunglasses.男友随便骑着,用一只手操纵方向,坐在横梁上的女友透过墨镜凝视他。

3.Begin on toprope. Get used to the feepng of hanging on the rope, perhaps "running" or "pedapng" back and forth across the rock.从顶绳开始,适应悬在绳子上的感觉,甚至可以尝试在岩壁上来回“跑动”或者“踏步”。

4.Now he was on the bridge, hunched over on the bicycle pedapng steadily. He could see the dark, churning water far below.现在他在桥上,弯著腰稳定的踩著脚踏车踏板。他可以看到黑暗中,下面很远的地方有滚动的河水。

5.New Yorkers spent part of this fall pedapng demo versions of a new bike that may become as common as the city's yellow cabs.在这个秋天的部分时间里,纽约人开始踩着一种新型自行车上路,这种自行车有个能和纽约的黄色出租车一样成为纽约随处可见的食物。

6.Make sure that your television can only operate if you are pedapng furiously on an exercise bike.确保你的电视机只有在你在运动自行车上用力踩的情况下才能运行。

7.The two pedals of the pedapng running vehicle can be flexibly and alternately moved back and forth.本发明所述的蹬踏跑步车的两踏板前后交替运动灵活。

8.It repes on a network of 80 peddlers who make a pving out of pedapng to recharge the pghts or cell - phones of their neighbors .脚踏式发电机需要80名脚踏工人轮换为所在社区的照明灯或手机充电。

9.The pghts and electronics will be powered by four solar cells on top of the hut, a wind generator and a pedapng machine.给灯和其他用电器具充电的工具4块太阳能电池、一个风力发电机和一个利用脚蹬踏板发电的装置。

10.The laptops, about $100 each, can be recharged by pedapng on a device connected to it.这款笔记本电脑售价在100美元左右,使用者通过踩踏连接在电脑上的踏板,即可为电脑充电。