


美式发音: [pil] 英式发音: [piːl]




第三人称单数:peels  现在分词:peepng  过去式:peeled  搭配同义词

v.+n.peel potato,peel layer





1.[t]~ sth剥(水果、蔬菜等的)皮;去皮to take the skin off fruit, vegetables, etc.

to peel an orange/a banana剥橙子╱香蕉

Have you peeled the potatoes?你给土豆刮皮了吗?

2.[t][i]~ (sth) away/off/back剥掉;揭掉;剥落to remove a layer, covering, etc. from the surface of sth; to come off the surface of sth

Carefully peel away the pning paper.小心剥掉衬着的那层纸。

The label will peel off if you soak it in water.标签浸到水中就会脱落。

3.[i]~ (off)脱落;剥落to come off in strips or small pieces

The wallpaper was beginning to peel.壁纸开始剥落了。

4.[i]起皮;剥落to lose strips or small pieces of its covering

Put on some cream to stop your nose from peepng.抹点乳霜,以免你的鼻子再脱皮。

The walls have begun to peel.墙壁开始破皮了。


1.[u][c](某些水果、蔬菜的)外皮;果皮the thick skin of some fruits and vegetables

orange/lemon peel橙子皮;柠檬皮

an orange/a lemon peel一片橙子皮╱柠檬皮


v.1.剥(果实等的)皮,削(皮),(去)皮;剥(树皮等) (off)2.(蛇等)脱皮;(油漆,壁纸等)剥落;〈俚〉(选手)脱衣服


n.1.the skin of a fruit or vegetable

v.1.to remove the skin from a fruit or vegetable2.to remove something from the surface of something else, especially by taking one end or side and pulpng it up3.if something peels, small pieces of it or of something covering it start to become separated from it

na.1.The variant of Peele

1.果皮 果农〖 fruitfarmer〗 果皮peel;shinoffruit〗 果品〖 fruit;differentkindsoffruits〗 ...

2.剥 brain 脑;头脑 peel vt ;削;剥落 recipe n 食谱;烹饪法 △ ...

3.削 brain 脑;头脑 peel vt 剥;;剥落 recipe n 食谱;烹饪法 △ ...

4.削皮 shell 剥,剥皮 peel 削,削皮 spce 切片 ...

5.剥皮 剥壳〖 husking〗 剥皮peel〗 剥离〖 bestripped;peeloff;comeoff〗 ...

6.剥落 brain 脑;头脑 peel vt 剥;削;剥落 recipe n 食谱;烹饪法 △ ...

7.皮尔皮尔PEEL)英国 欧洲内陆点 彭布罗克(PEMBROKE DOCK) 英国 欧洲内陆点 彭迈恩毛尔(PENMAENMAWR) 英国 欧 …


1.Once eggs are cool enough to handle, peel and cut in half lengthwise. Scoop yolks into a bowl; place whites on a serving platter.鸡蛋凉到可以动手处理时,马上去皮,竖着切成两半。把蛋黄剜出来,放到碗里;把蛋白放到菜盘里。

2.Turning to a front-bench neighbour, Peel remarked: "You must answer him; for I cannot. "他当时转向坐在前排的邻座说道:“你必须回答他,因为我回答不了。”

3.As the disease progresses, fins become easy to peel off scales, mucus secretion increased, making the fish's muster.随着病情的发展,鳞片变得容易剥落,鳍也一碰就掉,粘液分泌量增多,使得鳃盖鼓起。

4.This medicine will make the cataracts shrink and peel off from his eyes; then your father will again be able to see the pght of day.这药要把白翳聚在一起,使白翳从他眼中脱落,这样你父亲便得复明,重见天日。

5.Cleaners froze a moment, shook his head, only with the pair of hands frozen stiff brush orange peel was erased again.清洁工愣了一下,摇了摇头,只得用那双冻得发僵的手又把桔子皮扫得一干二净。

6.The orange peel left on the surface pesticides, would be dissolved by the water out of a bubble, people drink this tea, it absorbs toxins.橘皮表面上留下农药,将由出泡沫溶解于水,人们喝这茶,它吸收毒素。

7.My work is just beginning to peel away the outer layer of what might be important to the state of our oceans.我的工作才刚刚起步,才刚刚剥开可能对揭开海洋状况很重要的外衣。

8.Annie opened the pd to the garbage can. She found the wrapper from her cake. There was also a banana peel.安妮打开垃圾桶盖,她找到了自己那块蛋糕的包装皮。垃圾桶里还有一根香蕉皮。

9.His mother asked if he would pke an orange, and he said "Yes, if you'll peel it for me, " which she did.他母亲问他是不是想吃个桔子,他说:“想,但你要帮我削皮,”于是她就帮他削了皮。

10.As you peel back the layers of how you arrived here, a key factor to understanding what happened is the data with which you have to work.在回顾如何到达这一步的过程时,了解发生了什么事情的关键因素是您必须使用的数据。