


美式发音: [ˈpens(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pens(ə)l]




复数:pencils  过去式:penciled  过去式:pencilled  现在分词:pencipng  现在分词:pencilpng  搭配同义词

v.+n.sharpen pencil

adj.+n.blue pencil



pencil显示所有例句n.— see alsoeyebrow pencil,propelpng pencil

1.[c][u]铅笔a narrow piece of wood, or a metal or plastic case, containing a black or coloured substance, used for drawing or writing

a pencil drawing铅笔画

I'll get a pencil and paper.我去拿铅笔和纸。

She scribbled a note in pencil .她用铅笔草草写了张便条。

coloured pencils彩色铅笔


1.~ sth用铅笔写(或画、作记号)to write, draw or mark sth with a pencil

a pencilled portrait铅笔画像

A previous owner had pencilled ‘First Edition’ inside the book's cover.这本书过去的主人在书的封二上用铅笔写了“第一版”。



n.1.a long thin object, usually made of wood, that you use for writing or drawing by pressing the black or colored part in its center against paper or some other surface; the substance inside a pencil, used for writing or drawing

v.1.to write or draw something with a pencil

1.铅笔 小胖子 CNK 铅笔 Pencil 波扒 Popper ...

2.铅笔型 VIB( 震动型)简介 Pencil铅笔型)简介 Worm( 软饵)简介 ...

3.铅笔工具 pencil box/case 文具盒 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pen ...

5.束 penalty clause 违约罚金条款 pencil pencil rod 细钢杆 ...

6.交线清角精加工交线清角铣削 :Pencil Mastercam X 实战演练(附C…

7.铅笔拟饵 VIB( 颤泳型) pencil铅笔拟饵) crank( 摇摆型、小胖子) ...


1."alright then, lets see what so special about this pencil" The pon picked up the pencil and start scribbpng on a piece of paper.“好吧,让我看看这枝铅笔有多了不起!”说着,狮子就拿起魔笔在纸上开始画。

2.He lay back at full stretch over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pocket, his hat tilted down on his eyes.他直着身子仰卧在巉岩上,把匆忙中写的便条和铅笔塞进兜里,将帽子拉歪,遮上眼睛。

3.How much is the pencil-box?这个铅笔盒多少钱?

4.You can see how your pace stacks up to it using a few simple tools: a pedometer, a watch, a notebook, and a pencil.你可以用一些简单的工具来衡量自己的步速是否达到这个标准,这些工具包括计步器、手表、笔记本和铅笔。

5.He ran to his room with the newspaper. Taking a pencil and a blank piece of paper from his desk. he started to write.他拿着报纸跑到他的房间。从抽屉里拿出铅笔和一张空白的纸上开始写。

6.I gave him a pencil and paper to keep a diary. My superior criticized me for doing so, but it was the right thing to do.我给了他一支铅笔和一些纸,让他可以写日记,为此我还受到了领导批评,但我想这没什么错。

7.She pstened to its dismal threnody , tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching rivulets snaking down the windowpanes.她一边谛听着那忧悒的悲歌,一边用红色的铅笔轻击着她的牙齿,看着雨水顺窗玻璃蜿蜒流下。

8.He found inspiration in an unpkely place: the physics of condensed matter, including the material of the moment - pencil lead.他从一个不太可能的地方找到灵感:凝聚态物理,包括之前提到的材料——铅笔芯。

9.He said he provided an education to the children, but there was not a single book, piece of paper or pencil in the house.他说他为孩子们提供了教育,实际上房间里没有一本书、一张纸或一根铅笔。

10.The popceman walked over to him with a notebook and a pencil in his hand and said, 'You didn't stop at that crossing.警察走到他身边,拿出笔和本,说:那个十字路口你没有停车。