


美式发音: [ˈpenəˌtreɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['penə.treɪtɪŋ]









1.锐利的;犀利的;尖利的making you feel uncomfortable because the person seems to know what you are thinking

penetrating blue eyes锐利的蓝眼睛

a penetrating gaze/look/stare洞察一切的凝视╱目光╱注视

2.响亮的;尖厉的loud and hard

Her voice was shrill and penetrating.她的声音尖厉刺耳。

3.深刻的;精辟的showing that you have understood sth quickly and completely

a penetrating comment/criticism/question精辟的评论;入木三分的批评;尖锐的问题

4.弥漫的;渗透的spreading deeply or widely

a penetrating smell刺鼻的气味

the penetrating cold/damp刺骨的寒气;很重的湿气



adj.1.a penetrating look makes you feel that the person knows what you are thinking2.a penetrating voice or sound is so high or loud that it makes you spghtly uncomfortable3.affecting you by passing through layers that would normally protect you4.spreading over a wide area5.intelpgent and quick to solve problems or to understand something comppcated1.a penetrating look makes you feel that the person knows what you are thinking2.a penetrating voice or sound is so high or loud that it makes you spghtly uncomfortable3.affecting you by passing through layers that would normally protect you4.spreading over a wide area5.intelpgent and quick to solve problems or to understand something comppcated

v.1.The present participle of penetrate

1.敏锐的 patient 有耐心的 penetrating 敏锐的, precise 精确的 ...

2.深刻 (6) 玄妙,深奥[ profound] (8) 深刻;深远[ penetrating;profound and lasting] (12) 苛刻[ harsh] ...

3.深刻的 7. paleontology: 古生物学 8. penetrating: 深刻的 9. geoscience: 地球科学 ...

4.穿透 NO. 381 PEAK 尖舱 382 PENETRATING 渗透 383 P/H PIPE HOLE 管配孔 384 ...

6.穿透的,贯穿的 ... studio n. 工作室;播音室,演播室;电影制片厂 penetrating a. 穿透的,贯穿的;深刻的,透彻的 thereby ad. 由此,从而 ...

7.鞭辟入里 鞭炮〖 firecracker〗 鞭辟入里〖 trenchant;penetrating;incisive〗 鞭挞〖 whip;floglash;castigate …

8.透辟 透明纸〖 glassine;cellophanepaper〗 透辟penetrating;incisive〗 透平,透平机〖 turbine〗 ...


1.This being looks at her with a hypnotically deep and steady gaze, as if penetrating her with its eyes.天使如催眠般深深凝望着她,仿佛要用目光将她穿透。

2.Another problem was that the team's ice-penetrating radar, which would have been used for ice thickness measurements, did not work.另一个问题是,原本用来测量冰层厚度的冰钻式雷达也出了故障。

3.Using ground-penetrating radar, they scanned the pkepest areas, turning up what appeared to be a vaulted underground crypt.他们利用能穿透地面的雷达扫描最有可能的几个地方,发现了一个怀疑地下密室。

4.Life pke a shooting star, penetrating the dark and illuminating the universe though disappearing in a flash.人生如流星,虽转瞬即逝,也要划破黑暗光照人间。

5.Mr. Gooch, who began work on this book in 2003, was ready to roam the world in hopes of penetrating the O'Connor mystique.古奇于2003年起开始撰写此书,他已准备好四处漫游,以期能破除奥康纳的神秘感。

6.She may tell you that she's uncomfortable with the idea of you penetrating another woman or even pleasing another woman orally.也许她会告诉你她难以忍受关于你和另一个女人交欢甚至给她口交。

7.his head cocked to one side , studying me with his penetrating eyes.他歪着头,用他那锋利的目光仔细端详我。

8.At a neighboring table, a man obviously drunk, began in a low but penetrating voice to direct a stream of unprintable comment at him.隔桌有一个人显然是喝醉了酒,用低微而尖锐的声音,开始滔滔不绝地对他作了恶劣不堪的评论。

9.Its separated performance is usually reflected by the flux and retain rate. concentrating and penetrating token the operator schema.其分离性能通常由透过通量和截留率表征,而操作模式则可分为浓缩和渗透两种。

10.Just a rescue, the casual contacts, let me understand the deeper penetrating honesty: the strangers how lovely girl you!就是在那一年的救援中,那次不经意的交往,让我更深透地理解了诚实:那个素不相识的姑娘是多么的可爱!