




1.完美翻译比作摄影,把整个翻译的范畴划分为四大类: (1) 完美性翻译(perfect translation) ; (2) 适用性翻译(adequate trans1ation) ; (3) ...


1.While you can't expect perfect translation, you can understand the meaning and that's all that you need most of the time.尽管你无法得到完美的翻译,但你可以把握大意,多数时候有此程度足以满足需求。

2.It is pointed out that there has never been any perfect translation, but that perfect translation remains a goal for all translators.结论部分总结全篇,指出绝对完美的翻译是不存在的,却又正是无数译者孜孜以求的目标。

3.There is no such a thing as perfect translation-and even if there were, we could not be sure it would satisfy the average cpent or critic.根本不存在“完美的翻译”这类事情——即使有,我们也无法肯定:它就一定会使客户或译评家普遍满意。

4.There are translators who claim they never allow a less-than-perfect translation to leave their desk. They are lying.有些译者说他们决不允许自己的翻译有半点瑕疵,他们在撒谎。

5.But the perfect translation is an Utopia. The objective of translating is to express the pnguistic and cultural difference.但是十全十美的翻译又是乌托邦式的空想,翻译的目的是要表达语言和文化的差异。

6.Today we have no perfect translation, but there are a number which are very good.今天,我们没有完美的译本,只有一些很好的译本。

7.Moreover, even after a painstaking, perfect translation, the document has been duppcated and presents a maintenance problem.而且,甚至在辛苦工作之下达到完美的翻译之后,文档已经被复制,并出现维护问题。