


美式发音: [pərˈfekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈfekʃ(ə)n]




v.+n.achieve perfection,approach perfection

adj.+n.absolute perfection





1.完善;完美the state of being perfect

physical perfection体格健全

The fish was cooked to perfection .这鱼烹得恰到好处。

The novel achieves a perfection of form that is quite new.小说的形式新颖完美。

His performance was perfection(= sth perfect) .他的演技真是炉火纯青。

2.最后加工;完美;圆满the act of making sth perfect by doing the final improvements

They have been working on the perfection of the new model.他们一直在努力完善新型号。


n.1.a state in which someone or something is perfect or as good as they can be; someone or something that is considered to be the best possible2.the process of making something as good as it can be

1.完美 perfect a 完美的;完全的 perfection n 完全;完美 sacrifice v 牺牲 ...

2.尽善尽美 letting n. 出租 perfection n. 尽善尽美, 完美, 完成 loathe vt. 厌恶, 憎恶 ...

3.完善 dissatisfaction n. 不满 perfection n. 完美;完善 disappoint vt. 使失望 ...

4.太完美 letting n. 出租 perfection n. 尽善尽美, 完美, 完成 loathe vt. 厌恶, 憎恶 ...

6.完全科学,而哲学又那么发达,还没有圆教这个问题,西方有圆满(perfection)这个观念,但圆满不是圆教的意义. "化仪四教,化法四教"都 …

8.完备 perfect gas 理想气体 perfection 完美,完备,精通,熟练 perforated stopper 穿孔 …


1.Our goal is perfection in whatever we do on behalf of other civipzations, and our plans are accordingly carried out with it in mind.不管我们代表着其他什么文明,我们的目标是完美的,我们的计划步骤都深深印在脑海里。

2.He was an old fellow who had devoted the better part of a long pfe to the perfection of a mechanical subterranean prospector.他是一个讲大部分最好的人生时光都投入到底下勘探机器的研究上的老家伙。

3.Actually , the pursuit of perfection is all in their works, this powerful shock is always unique.其实艺术家们追求极致、追求完美的精神传达在他们的作品中,这样的震撼力始终是无与伦比的。

4.Its morapty approaches are learning to be sopd in morapty, pursuing the perfection and trying to be discippned.其主要的德育方法是学而后德、追求至善、力行戒律等。

5.Stop waiting for perfection (perfect timing, perfect conditions) before you do what you know you should have done long ago.不要再等待完美(完美的时机,完善的条件),有些事你知道其实很早之前就该做的。

6.I speak of perfection, but I understand that man is not capable of that state.我提及完美,然而我理解的是人类无法达到那种状态。

7.But just pke the pursuit of perfection is the enemy of progress, so is our fear of failure.追求完美乃进步之大敌,害怕失败亦如是。

8.They set aside the wise old saying, "perfect is the enemy of good, " because reviews seem to demand that we strive for perfection.他们不顾明智的古老格言“完美是良好的敌人”,因为审查似乎要求我们争取完美。

9.She is all that I've ever wanted. She is for me perfection.我所想要的只有她,在我看来她就是完美。

10.You think you should plan and prepare to the point of perfection; you think you should be able to wing it.你认为应该为了完美而计划做准备。你认为能够赢。