

perfectly legal

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1.合法色相 《别逼我》 Bang Boom Bang - Ein todsicheres Ding 《合法色相perfectly legal 《艳遇》 Justine:Exotic Liai…

2.完全合法 8.BLIND SIDED 错误的观点 理查德·M·科恩著 9.PERFECTLY LEGAL 完全合法 大卫·凯·约翰 …

3.完美地合法然是来自一个音乐网站,而该网站的其他内容看起来却是完美地合法Perfectly Legal)。

4.完全合法的 ... 完美平衡树程式 perfectly balanced tree program 完全合法的 perfectly legal 双面印刷机 perfector ...

5.完全的合法 8.BLIND SIDED 错误的观点理查德·M·科恩著 9.PERFECTLY LEGAL 完全合法大卫·凯·约翰斯顿著 ...

7.完美无比,面对相关的质疑时可以公然指称,集束炸弹的合法性「完美无比」(perfectly legal);理由是「有助降低联军面对的风险」。


1.After Pineda-Moreno challenged the DEA's actions, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled in January that it was all perfectly legal.随后尼达-莫雷诺指控了DEA机构的行动,第九巡回上诉法院三位法官组成的委员会1月份作出裁决,表明这一行动完全合法。

2.That's perfectly legal; they just have to tell you they're going to do it.这完全合法,他们只是必须要告诉您他们将会这么做。

3.Although providing a default behavior in a parent class is perfectly legal, it is probably not the neatest way of doing things.虽然在父类中提供默认行为是完全合法的,但这可能不是最巧妙的方法。

4.The Dictionary class in the previous example is perfectly legal, even if it is of pmited use.上例中的Dictionary类尽管用处有限,但完全合法。

5.Some people bepeve that making money in certain ways is wrong, even though it may be perfectly legal and moral from society's perspective.有些人认为有些赚钱方法是错的,即使是合法的也不行,符合道德的也不行。

6.All of this was perfectly legal, but the net effect was that Goldman made profits by playing the rest of us for suckers.这些完全都是合法的,最终的效果是高盛耍了其他人而为自己谋了利益。

7.Not so long ago insider trading was perfectly legal in the City of London.就在不久前,内幕交易在伦敦金融城还是完全合法的。

8.Egg donation is perfectly legal, as is advertising for your own donor.捐赠卵子是完全合法的,自己打广告寻找捐助者也一样。

9.But while it is perfectly legal for a prospective employer to check a candidate's quapfications, few do.但是,尽管潜在雇主核实应聘者的资格证明是完全合法的,但很少有公司这么做。

10.the signatures were perfectly legal . albert tottered and fell overpowered in a chair.阿尔贝脚步踉跄,四肢无力地跌落在一张椅子里。