




1.绩效工资 ... Position Salary 职位工资 Performance Salary 绩效工资 Sub-total: 以上3项小计 ...

2.绩效薪酬 ... ) Merit raise 绩效加薪 ) performance salary 绩效薪酬 ) pay-for-performance 绩效薪酬 ...


1.To be responsible for all the human resources activities, including: recruitment, training, performance, salary, etc.负责公司所有人力资源活动,包括招聘、培训、考核、工资等。

2.The performance salary of the employee should be depvered after the examination.员工绩效薪资在考核结束后发放。

3.Performance salary can set up a special award, the project content and incentives negotiated.绩效年薪中可以设立专项奖励,项目内容和奖励办法一事一议。

4.Pay accounting, and the basis for the drafting of the annual performance salary increases.薪资的核算,并依据上年度绩效草拟调薪幅度。

5.In the performance salary, this paper makes the research fellows'performance assessment quantitative according to using KPI&BSC.在绩效工资中,通过KPI技术以及平衡计分卡的运用,使研发人员的绩效考核定量化。

6.Performance salary factors enactment-performance appraisal results and performance salary-performance salary proportion绩效薪酬因素设定考核结果与绩效薪酬-绩效薪酬比例

7.Research and Practices in Implementing "Post-Performance Salary" Reform实施“岗效工资”改革的探索与实践

8.On excitation function of performance salary system浅议绩效薪酬制度的激励作用

9.Implementing position employment system based on performance-salary reform绩效分配制度的改革引导岗位聘任制的实施