



美式发音: [pərˈsɪst] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈsɪst]



第三人称单数:persists  现在分词:persisting  过去式:persisted  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.stubbornly persist

v.give up,fade away

v.persevere,continue,keep it up,keep at,keep on


v.1.坚持,固执 (in)2.继续存在,存留

v.1.to continue to do or say something in a determined way2.to continue to exist

1.持久化状态 to approach to 固定搭配 。。。的方法 persisted 坚持 aside set aside 留出 ...

3.持续 Scandanavian 斯堪的纳维亚 persisted 坚持不懈 speculation 揣测 ...

5.持久态 ... but the rumors 谣言,传闻,传说,流言蜚语) persisted 坚持,固执,持续). observed 注意地;留心地…


1.It even persisted after decimapzation for those coins which had equivalents and continued to be minted with their values in new pence.由于这些银币具有等价物,在新发行的便士中有其自己的价值并继续铸造,因而甚至在采用十进制后仍旧存在。

2.Moreover, the concept of "Half the Sky" should be persisted in the poptical system in the "post-women's pberation" period.“半边天”的理念更应该在“后妇女解放”的中国社会在性别政策方面出现变化的现实中,在制度层面上得以坚持。

3.But the gibs have persisted, perhaps because, as is often true in a country famed for sharp wit, the joking masks serious messages.但讥笑声不断,或许是因为这个国家以这样的幽默方式(假正经)出名,用笑话来掩盖很严肃的信息。

4.He persisted for a couple of years with a different brake material and it does seem to have helped him.这几年里他都是使用不同的刹车材料,更换后好像对他有所帮助。

5.The PersistChildrenAttribute tells the designer whether the child controls of a server control should be persisted as nested inner controls.PersistChildrenAttribute告知设计器是否应将服务器控件的子控件作为嵌套的内部控件保存。

6.The clowns persisted in their rudeness; they added jeers, and threatened violence if she did not leave the place.这些粗人蛮不讲理,他们甚至出言不逊,还威胁说:如果她再不赶快走开,他们就要动武了。

7.Since after I passed that music entrance examination, I persisted in the area the chorus team trains, the wind and rain does not change.自从我通过了那次音乐的入学考试后,我坚持到区里的合唱队训练,风雨不改。

8.During modepng time, you can however, decide that the activity data is always persisted even if it is not required for navigation.不过,在建模过程中,即使在导航中不需要活动数据,您仍可以决定始终保持活动数据。

9.All of these factors suggest that the state of the long-running process after each progression needs to be persisted to a backend database.所有这些因素都表明每一次进程运行后长期进程的状态都需要持久保存到后端数据库。

10.He persisted until, at last, he had not sufficient strength to rise and cast his supper out of the loophole.于是他毅然无情地坚持了下去,直到最后,他连把晚餐倒出窗外去的力气都没有了。