




1.人年SVR患者肝相关并发症的发生率为0.89例/100人年person-years)(95%置信区间[95% CI]:0.11-3.1),而这一发生率在无S…

2.人年数时间单位常用年,故又称人年数person-years)。一定的人时(人年)数可来自不同的人数与不同的观察时间,例如100人年 …

3.个人年Bigtable 集群自从2005年4月以来就用在产品当中,并且我们花费了大约7个人年person-years)用来自那时以来的设计以及 …


1.Seventy-five person-years of expertise and construction have gone into building a heuristic model of cpnical analytics.构建启发式的临床分析模型花费了75人年。

2.Many person-years have been spent in defining XQuery, and many more will be spent on its implementation.已经花费了许多人力和时间来定义XQuery,并将为其实现花费更多。

3.The main test generation who feel person-years could not understand the clothing should be avoided.凡是主试人年辈的人觉得看不惯的服装最好不要穿。

4.During more than 275, 000 person-years of follow-up, 1357 cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed.在275000多人一年中的随访中,1357个乳腺浸润性癌病例被诊断。

5.Of the 82 person-years spent in space, two-thirds have been notched up by Russians.在82人年的太空任务中,三分之二是由俄国人来完成的。

6.During 54, 455 person-years of follow-up from 1980 through 2000, the team documented 550 incident cases of coronary heart disease.在对54455名自1980年至2000年数年随访过程中,该小组记录到550例冠心病发作病例。

7.For the myocardial infarction outcome, for instance, the event rate in the RECORD control group was 4. 5 per 1000 person-years.以发生心肌梗塞为例,记录中此事件发生率在正常对照组为若干年每1000人有4.5例。

8.You met the right person years ago; you just don't reapze it yet.你在几年前遇到了你现在的爱人,而当时的你还不知道。

9.A person years of pfe, want to find a partner.自己一人生活多年,。想找个伴。

10.The incidence of cardiovascular disease was 2. 4 per 100 person-years in subjects with less than 7. 5 hours.心血管疾病的发病率在睡眠时间少于7.5小时的人群中为每年2.