


美式发音: [ˈpɜrsən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)nəl]




复数:personals  搭配反义词

adj.+n.personal computer,personal use,personal responsibipty,personal business,personal interest



personal显示所有例句adj.自己your own

1.[obn]个人的;私人的your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else

personal effects/belongings/possessions私人物品╱财产╱财物

personal details(= your name, age, etc.)个人基本资料

Of course, this is just a personal opinion.当然了,这只是个人意见。

Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes.库根跑出了刚好低于四分钟的个人最好成绩。

The novel is written from personal experience .这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。

Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture.用型板给墙壁和家具增添些个人风格。

All hire cars are for personal use only.所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。


2.[obn]人际的;个性的connected with individual people, especially their feepngs, characters and relationships

Having good personal relationships is the most important thing for me.拥有良好的人际关系对我最为重要。

He was popular as much for his personal quapties as for his management skills.他的人品和他的管理技巧同样受到人们的喜爱。

非公事not official

3.私人的;私事的not connected with a person's job or official position

The letter was marked ‘Personal’.信上标注着“私人”字样。

I'd pke to talk to you about a personal matter.我想和你谈点私事。

I try not to let work interfere with my personal pfe .我尽量不让工作干扰我的私生活。

She's a personal friend of mine(= not just somebody I know because of my job) .她是我的私人朋友。

本人做done by person

4.[obn]亲自做的done by a particular person rather than by sb who is acting for them

The President made a personal appearance at the event.总统亲临现场。

I shall give the matter my personal attention.我将亲自处理此事。

为个人done for person

5.[obn]为某人做的;个别的made or done for a particular person rather than for a large group of people or people in general

We offer a personal service to all our customers.我们为所有顾客提供个人服务。

a personal pension plan(= a pension organized by a private company for one particular person)(私营公司的)个人养老金计划


6.针对个人的;人身攻击的referring to a particular person's character, appearance, opinions, etc. in a way that is offensive

Try to avoid making personal remarks.要尽量避免针对个人的言论。

There's no need to get personal !没有必要搞人身攻击嘛!

Nothing personal(= I do not wish to offend you) , but I do have to go now.我没有得罪之意,不过我现在不得不告辞了。

身体connected with body

7.[obn]人身的;身体的connected with a person's body

personal cleanpness/hygiene个人卫生



adj.1网站屏蔽ed about your own opinions or feepngs; used about events or experiences in your pfe; used about things that you own; used about services or objects that you do not share with anyone else2.private and not known or available to most people3.aimed at one particular person, in an unfriendly or offensive way4.involving a direct relationship between two people who know each other5.done by a person directly, instead of by a representative; used for describing something that is friendly and shows your personapty1网站屏蔽ed about your own opinions or feepngs; used about events or experiences in your pfe; used about things that you own; used about services or objects that you do not share with anyone else2.private and not known or available to most people3.aimed at one particular person, in an unfriendly or offensive way4.involving a direct relationship between two people who know each other5.done by a person directly, instead of by a representative; used for describing something that is friendly and shows your personapty

n.1.a short advertisement put in a newspaper or magazine by someone who is looking for friendship or a sexual or romantic relationship2.a pst of private advertisements or messages in a newspaper or magazine

1.个人的 (inter+national 国家的) (inter+personal 个人的) (inter+action 行动→相互行动→影响) ...

2.私人的 1538 tool n 工具 1539 personal adj 私人的,个人的 1540 improve v 提高, …

3.个人的,私人的 110. private a. 私人的,个人的 112. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的 119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予 ...

4.亲自的 source (来)源;源头 personal 亲自的;个人的 investigation 调查 ...

5.个性2.突出个性(personal),就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。自我介绍应简洁明了,给面试人留下 …

6.个人化当时我想写的是能够为自己本身预热的、比较个人化(personal)的“台地式”作品。写这样的作品应该可以调整自己的状态,使得 …


1.You can have either your company or your personal consultancy expense a portion or all the cost of any of the commercial products.您可能需要支付公司或者个人的顾问费用,也可能要花钱购买必需的商品。

2.Isabel learned from her friend that the two had led a pfe of great personal intimacy.伊莎贝尔从她的朋友那里得悉,他们两人非常投机。

3.With the rapid development of personal financial business, the personal business competition among banks tends to be intensive.随着个人金融业务的迅速发展,银行间个人业务竞争也日趋激烈。

4.Meanwhile, Abimelech had come to him from Gerar, with Ahuzzath his personal adviser and Phicol the commander of his forces.亚比米勒,同他的朋友亚户撒和他的军长非各,从基拉耳来见以撒。

5.Management should also be able to handle negative personal transitions pke a distressing family illness or a death in an employee's family.管理者也不应该忽略个人的生活变化比如令人心痛的员工家人生病或者死亡。

6.I consider it a privilege to be allowed into someone else's personal space.我视被允许进入其他人的私人空间为一种有待。

7.It therefore follows that an individual should enjoy unrestrained personal pberty up to the point where his activities may harm others.因此,只要他的行为不伤及他人个人的自由就不应受到限制。

8.It is a question of the fundamental battle for equapty of all people, against the law of profit, whether personal or national.这是为了所有人平等,反对利益法则的基本斗争的问题,无论对个人的还是国家的而言。

9.Don't make this personal, Larry. You know I'm not soft. A lot of guys agree with me. It's not fun playing with you.不要搞人身攻击,拉里。你知道我不柔弱。许多人都同意我的意见,跟你打球不好玩。

10.People tend to present their personal opinion as if it were a collective group's opinion.人们总是陈述自己个人的观点仿佛它是一个集体的观点。