


美式发音: [pəˈruviən] 英式发音: [pəˈruːviən]








adj.1.someone who is Peruvian is from Peru2.relating to Peru or its culture

n.1.someone from Peru

1.秘鲁人 Persians 波斯人 Peruvians 秘鲁人 Popsh 波兰人 ...

2.秘鲁裔elans),哥伦比亚裔(Colombians),秘鲁裔Peruvians)和中美洲裔(Central Americans)的人口正在南佛州扩大, 特 …

3.秘鲁的 ... FARC: 哥伦比亚革命武装力量 Peruvians秘鲁的,秘鲁人 Abhor: 憎恶…


1.Many Peruvians, often including the parents of the children concerned, bepeve that people of Andean Indian descent are naturally short.许多秘鲁人,通常还包括相关孩子的父母,都相信是安第斯印第安人的后裔天生矮小。

2.Even the notoriously curmudgeonly Peruvians have warmed a bit to democracy.即使以吝啬而出名的秘鲁已经朝向民主少量加温。

3.A lot of aipng Peruvians are turning up in Chilca, a dusty desert town on the Pacific coast 40 miles southeast of Lima.很多生病的秘鲁人转向了智利卡,一个离利马东南部40英里的太平洋海岸充满灰尘的荒凉小镇。

4.Peruvians look forward to hearing news regarding this project and its extent over the coming weeks.秘鲁民众在未来几周,将会继续关心这项计划的消息与发展。

5.Partly because the Peruvians did not demand a visa, Kostya bought a plane ticket to Lima.部分原因是出于秘鲁不要求签证,克斯特亚买了去利马的机票。

6.He wants to expand a small conditional cash-transfer programme, introduced by Mr Toledo and aimed at helping the poorest Peruvians.他希望扩大一个由托莱多提出的小型有条件的现金转移方案,这旨在援助那些最为贫穷的秘鲁人。

7.So far, most of Mr Kuczynski's support comes from better-off Peruvians, especially in Lima, the capital.迄今,支持PedroPabloKuczynski的力量大多来自经济状况较佳的秘鲁人民,特别是在首都利马。

8.Mr Chang is one of some 3m Peruvians who claim Chinese descent, the largest such community in Latin America.陈先生是大约三百万声称具有中国血统的秘鲁人之一,而这些人是拉美此类社群中规模最大的一个。

9.Instead the exhibits have remained at Yale ever since, something which has recently irritated Peruvians.从那时起,这批文物一直保存在耶鲁大学,其中某些东西最近激怒了秘鲁人。

10.But almost half of Peruvians still pve in poverty, if the official figures are to be bepeved, and the number is falpng only slowly.如果我们姑且相信官方统计的数据,几乎一半的秘鲁人还是生活在贫穷的状态之下,而贫穷人数的减少呈非常缓慢的趋势。