


美式发音: ['pɪtə] 英式发音: ['pɪtə]

abbr.(=portable electronic traffic analyzer)手提式电子测速器

网络释义:善待动物组织(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals);人道对待动物协会;人道对待动物组织


abbr.1.(=portable electronic traffic analyzer)手提式电子测速器

abbr.1.(=portable electronic traffic analyzer)

1.善待动物组织(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)织亚太分部(PETA Asia-Pacific)是善待动物组织PETA)的分支机构,拥有超过1,600,000名成员及支持者,是全球最大 …

2.人道对待动物协会在人道对待动物协会PETA)我们最常听到的五个是人权,环境,人类健康,动物福利和动物权力。我会分别谈其中每一个问 …

3.人道对待动物组织但人道对待动物组织PETA)指出,沦为食材的狮子,都是被虐杀而死,「吃狮肉汉堡就是支持残暴对待动物」。「非洲动物 …

4.善待动物协会这是善待动物协会PETA)所制作的影片「当野兽统治地球」。如果哪一天人类与野兽的立场对调过来,想想我们现在对动物 …

5.动物保护组织但动物保护组织(PETA)对于育碧的畅销系列真的不感冒,直到它涉及到了鲸鱼。由于育碧在即将到来的“刺客信条IV:黑旗”中将 …


7.动物保护协会动物保护协会(peta)30周年纪念暨人道主义颁奖活动,头一个要点名批评的就是lady gaga的生肉装!《变2》惊艳已过,回归现 …


1.PETA referred videos, photos and a narrative to the local prosecutor, who said he is reviewing the matter.善待动物组织向当地的检察官提交了视频、照片和叙述,检察官表示他正在对这个事情进行审查。

2.Daphna Nachminovitch, director of PETA's domestic animal department, said the group would not endorse steapng a pet bunny.时速nachminovitch主任绵羊的畜禽署表示,该集团将不会赞成偷一只宠物兔宝宝。

3.PETA is outfitting a Hummer with a driver in a chicken suit and a vinyl banner proclaiming meat as the top cause of global warming.PETA装备了一辆悍马,其司机穿着了一套鸡服,塑料横幅上标有“肉是造成全球暖化的首因”。

4.White House official said the White House had contacted PETA , or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, about the poster .白宫一名官员称,白宫已就海报事宜联系了善待动物协会。

5.The CCF last week released the latest Peta euthanasia figures it had obtained from the state of Virginia.消费者自由中心上周公布了佩塔最新的动物安乐死的数字,是从弗吉尼亚州官方那里取得的。

6.But PETA, known for its attention-grabbing campaigns, did not appear to be backing down.然而,以爱搞引人注目的宣传活动而闻名的善待动物协会貌似并让步的意思。

7.declare announce Whatever PETA says, he proclaims, is all pes and nonsense.他表示,不管反虐待动物组织怎么说,都是骗人的,胡说八道!

8.Sammy Haddock passed away last moth. Before he died he authorized PETA to use these photos to ease his sense of guilty.哈德克在上月去世,临终前他授权善待动物者组织PETA使用他拍摄的照片,以减轻他的愧疚感。

9.She's been a member of PETA basically forever, and Miley better watch out, because in '04 Apcia was voted "Sexiest Female Vegetarian. "她已经是善待动物组织的一员,麦莉小童鞋要注意了,艾丽西娅04年被投票选为“最性感素食者”。

10.PETA might disagree, but it is all about the fur for next fall. . . any kind, in any way.也许善待动物组织(PETA)会反对,但下一个秋季,皮毛确会大行其道。