


美式发音: [pəˈtunjiə] 英式发音: [pəˈtjuːniə]






1.矮牵牛a garden plant with white, pink, purple or red flowers


n.1.a garden plant with purple, pink, or white flowers

1.矮牵牛 留兰香- ------------spearmint 矮牵牛- ------------petunia 薄荷…

2.矮牵牛花 florist 花商 petunia 矮牵牛花 windfall 被风吹落的 ...

3.矮牵牛属 Petrosimonia 叉毛蓬属 Petunia 碧冬茄属 Peucedanum 前胡属 ...

5.喇叭花 杜 鹃: azalea 喇 叭 花petunia 牵 牛 花: morning glory ...

6.矮牵牛花的 13.Petra 石头 14.Petunia 矮牵牛花的 15.Phaedra 闪光的 ...

7.矮牵牛属植物 Persicaria 蓼 Petunia 矮牵牛属植物 Phacepa campanularia / Capfornia bluebell 加洲蓝钟 ...


1.Aunt Petunia found a few moldy blankets in the second room and made up a bed for Dudley on the moth-eaten sofa.帕尤妮亚姨妈在第二间房子里找到了一些发霉的毯子,并且给达德里在一张虫蛀过的沙发上铺了一张床。

2.Though Petunia evidently did not understand the word, she could hardly mistake the tone.佩妮显然不明白这个词的意思,但她绝不会听不懂他的语气。

3."I suppose we could take him to the zoo, " said Aunt Petunia slowly, ". . . and leave him in the car. . . "“我想我们可以带他到动物园去,”佩妮姨妈慢吞吞地说,“……然后把他留在车上……”

4.Next morning, however, he had gotten up to find his hair exactly as it had been before Aunt Petunia had sheared it off.可到了第二天一早他起床的时候,竟发现自己的头发又恢复到了佩妮姨妈剪它以前的样子。

5.After asking Harry furiously if he knew the man, Aunt Petunia had rushed them out of the shop without buying anything.佩妮姨妈怒冲冲地追问哈利是否认识那人,之后就把他和达力赶出商店,什么东西也没有买。

6.Dudley and Petunia at the back, and Vernon trying to bring up the shotgun and shrink back protectively at the same time.达力和佩妮在后,弗农试图提起枪,同时防备地后畏缩着。

7.Aunt Petunia dug some ice cream out of the freezer and Harry, still shaking, started scrubbing the kitchen clean.佩妮姨妈从冰箱里挖出一些冰淇淋。哈利开始擦洗厨房,身上还在打着哆嗦。

8.and peroxidase settpng process was the optimum dyeing for the fast determination of petunia' s pollen viabipty.过氧化物酶沉淀法是快速测定矮牵牛花粉生命力的最适染色法。

9.With a glance at the distant Petunia, now hovering beside the swings, he lowered his voice and said, 'I know what you are'.他看看远处在秋千旁徘徊的佩妮,压低声音说道:“我知道你是什么人。”

10.Aunt Petunia's high, false laugh sounded from the pving room. The elf hung his head.客厅传来了佩妮姨妈虚伪的高声大笑。小精灵垂下了头。