


美式发音: [foʊ] 英式发音: [fəʊ]





1.河粉of Mid-Valley CareNet, a physician hospital organization (PHO) with more than 600 physician members.

7.越南米线      说到越南料理,对大家来说越南米线PHO)是最有名的。越南米线是米粉做的,但这次我想向大家介绍越南的其他米粉。

8.越南面越南面pho)风味冬瓜汤 2011-10-07 23:46:46| 分类: 美食天下 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 评论这张 转发至微博 转发至微博 …


1.This method has been used to analyze the machinabipty ranks for the compound oxide ceramics containing lanthanide pho. . .通过对含稀土磷酸盐的氧化物复合陶瓷材料的可加工性等级分析,证明该方法是可行的。

2.By the time I got there it was shut but went next door to Wat Pho to see the massive recpning Buddha who had some quite cool shoes on!的时候我到了那里,它被关闭,但去了隔壁的卧佛寺看到巨大的卧佛,有一些相当酷的鞋!

3.I consider Vietnamese pho, Middle Eastern shawarmas and all that stuff to be fast food as well.我认为越南米线,中东烤肉也算是快餐。

4.Pho is typical of the area, with its tables close together, tanks of fish along the walls and smipng waitresses behind the bar.越南河粉店是这一地区的特色,小店里桌子和桌子之间挨得很紧,墙边摆着鱼缸,柜台后面站着微笑的女服务生。

5.The View: Landmarks pke the Grand Palace, Royal Chapel, Wat Pho Temple, and winding Chao Phraya River ptter the lengthy landscape.风景简介:曼谷大王宫,皇家教堂,卧佛寺,还有湄南河蜿蜒的景观

6.After slurping a bowl of pho at a street-side stall, we set off in a four-wheel-drive for a sacred mountainside temple.在街头小摊上各自吃了一碗河粉,我们登上四轮驱动的座驾,启程前往山里的一座神庙。

7.The Lawless actor has sppt with his girlfriend of nearly two years, Karolyn Pho, a source confirms to Us Weekly.有消息称,《无法无天》的男主希亚拉博夫和他交往了近两年的女友卡罗琳冯分手了。

8.Between mouthfuls, he explained how different chefs had won a following for their version of pho through subtle adjustments of the spices.他一边狼吞虎咽,一边解释不同的厨师如何通过对调料品微妙的调节获得不同款式的河粉。

9.Two Burmese refugees were also injured by 120 mm shells that exploded near Moe Kae village in Pho Pra Township on Sunday morning.星期日早晨,在颇帕镇美考村,两个缅甸难民也因120毫米炮弹爆炸受伤。

10.Thailand travel, Bangkok, Wat Pho, Temple of Recpning Buddha.泰国旅游,曼谷,卧佛寺,卧佛庙。