





2.光学 美国业者JDSUniphase(JDSU)声称在光学(photonic)IC领域获得了重大突破,该公司把Mach-Zehnder调变器(modulator)和可 …

3.光子技术 ... 倾旋光性 photonasty 光激性的 photonic 光有机营养 photoorganotrophic ...

5.光通信 ... 微波遥感 Microwave Remote Sensing 光电子学 Photonic 近代天线理论和技术 Antenna Theory and Radiation ...



1.It will now be put through its paces to see just how much photonic puff it can provide.现在它正在将接受考察,以便确定它能提供多少光推进力。

2.The waveguide may be formed by into*ching two 3D photonic crystal regions, with at least one of the regions having a channel formed therein.可以通过以下方法来所述波导:令两个光子晶体的区域对接,而其中至少一个区域具有形成在其中的通道。

3.Real-time data acquisition is possible with either conventional electronic or emerging photonic ( fiber optic) instrumentation.实时数据采集可用常规电子仪器进行,也可用出射光子(光纤)仪器进行。

4.The method that used could help one to understand the concept about photonic wave function and its statistical meaning in quantum theory.所采用的光子学方法有助于对光子的波函数及其统计意义的理解。

5.The result of this process is a 'composite opal' - a photonic crystal hydrogel that responds to water levels in the air.这一处理的结果是制作出一种“合成蛋白石”,这是一种能对空气中湿度做出响应的光子晶体凝胶。

6.By means of the sppt-step Fourier method, the propagation of soptons in a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is numerically simulated.利用快速分步傅里叶方法数值计算了孤子在光子晶体光纤中的传输。

7.Such soptons are supported by an interface beside which two harmonically photonic lattices with different modulation depths are imprinted.这种格子是在克尔介质中的某一界面两边进行不同深度的谐调制得到的。

8.It is found that this kind of photonic crystal can enlarge the band gap compared with ordinary structure photonic crystal.研究表明,与通常的均匀结构光子晶体的带隙相比,这种光子晶体能使光子带隙拓宽。

9.Prior to entry of the first star gate, the photonic energy available was less than one half of what is now experienced in present time.在进入第一个恒星门之前,地球可获得的光能比目前所获得的光能要少将近一半。

10.We also investigate the spontaneous emission properties of a two-level atom embedded in a three-dimensional anisotropic photonic crystal.本文还研究了处于各向异性的三维光子晶体中,且在强相干的低频场的驱动下的单个二能级原子的自发辐射性质。