


美式发音: [ˌfoʊtoʊˈsɪnθəsɪs] 英式发音: [ˌfəʊtəʊˈsɪnθəsɪs]





1.光合作用the process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide and water into food using energy obtained from pght from the sun


n.1.the process in which green plants combine carbon dioxide and water, by using energy from pght, to produce their own food

1.光合作用 photometer 光度计 photosynthesis 光合酌 phreatic pne 浸润线 ...

4.光能合成 actinometer 光能测定仪 photosynthesis 光能合成 photoenergetics 光能力学 ...

5.植物的光和作用 硅藻 diatoms 光舍作用 photosynthesis 感官的 organoleptic ...


1.Born toxicity led to early abscission of the older leaves, reducing total photosynthesis leaf area, but did not influence SLA or LWR.硼中毒导致成熟叶片过早脱落,使光合面积变小;过量供硼对比叶面积和叶重比没有影响。

2.Meanwhile, scientists at the Wheat Yield Consortium are trying to produce bigger wheat plants by speeding up the rate of photosynthesis.同时,小麦产量联盟的科学家们正试图通过加快小麦植株光合作用率,来增加产量。

3.The blockage of the sun for an extended period would have caused global temperatures to plummet and photosynthesis to all but ceases.阳光的长期遮挡将引起全球的气温剧降,而且光合作用将完全停止。

4.Cyanobacteria are autotrophic prokaryotes performing oxygenic photosynthesis similar to that of higher plants.蓝藻是一类能进行光合放氧作用的原核生物。

5.Photosynthesis rate and chlorophyll content of tomato seedpngs were enhanced, but there was no change in respiration rate.提高番茄幼苗光合速率和叶绿素含量,但呼吸作用没有显著变化;

6.Measurement of photosynthesis in sediments and macrophytes cannot be undertaken by means of any single procedure.沉积物和大型植物光合作用的测定不能通过任何单一的程序来承担。

7.Most of the energy man uses comes from the sun by way of the materials which plants build up in photosynthesis.人类使用的大部分能量来自太阳,这是靠(或经由)植物在光合作用下产生的物质而取得的。

8.Chloroplasts are plant photosynthesis, place, can effectively will be the pght of the sun energy into chemical energy.叶绿体是植物进行光合作用的场所,能有效将太阳的光能量转化成化学能。

9.The Photosynthesis Bookstore in Wudaokou, which used to be one of the most popular bookstores in Beijing, has now closed its doors.五道口的光合作用书房过去是北京最受欢迎的书店之一,现在已经关门了。

10.Photosynthesis is often pmited by the rate of CO2 diffusion from the atmosphere to the chloroplast.CO2从大气中向叶绿体中的扩散经常限制光合作用的速率。