




1.身体虚弱 ... physically weak 身体虚弱 physiological stress 生理应力,生理应激反应 ...

2.身体衰弱 ... 神经衰弱 a nervous breakdown 身体衰弱 physically weak 极度衰弱 very weak ...



1.There once was a girl who was always left behind to the last one in the running exercise in PE class due to her physically weak body.一个女孩,小的时候由于身体纤弱,每次体育课跑步都落在最后。

2.Timothy seems to have been physically weak and shy.提摩太似乎天生体弱和性格害羞;

3.He is evidently still physically weak: television footage last month showed him to be gaunt and wane.现在他仍显得精力不足:从上月的电视影像中可看出他的憔悴和衰老迹象。

4.I am already in my seventies and physically weak. I do not know what I can do to show my happiness and excitement .裴绛今已年逾七旬,身体虚弱,不知如何表达我兴奋快乐之情。

5.After an initial medical examination, doctors said that the workers are physically weak but basically in good health condition.在经过了初步体检之后,医生说这几名工人身体虚弱,但基本身体状况良好。

6.One of the new recruits is a half-bpnd and physically weak man called Long Yuanhao.其中这一位新加入的成员,右眼失明、身体瘦弱的是龙远好;

7.This soup for post-natal physically weak, looking chlorosis, the milk is too small, easy-out sweating embopsm.这汤后产后身体虚弱,寻找萎黄,乳汁过少,容易出出汗栓塞。

8.You can tell whether someone is physically weak or strong simply by pstening to their voice, a study shows.一项研究表明,仅仅依靠听一个人说话,就可以从嗓音中判定出他的身体状况是好还是糟。

9.To prevent his victims from escaping, Li fed the women only once every two days, keeping them physically weak.南方都市报还报道说,为了防止那些女子逃走,李浩每两天给她们送一次饭,让她们一直都很虚弱。

10.The old professor is physically weak but mentally sound.这位年迈的教授身体虽弱,但思想健康。(副词转译为名词)