



美式发音: [piˈænoʊ] 英式发音: [piˈænəʊ]







pianos显示所有例句n.— see alsogrand piano,thumb piano,upright piano

1.钢琴a large musical instrument played by pressing the black and white keys on the keyboard. The sound is produced by small hammers hitting the metal strings inside the piano .

to play the piano弹钢琴

playing jazz on the piano用钢琴弹奏爵士乐

piano music钢琴曲

a piano teacher/lesson钢琴教师╱课

Ravel's piano concerto in G拉威尔的 G 大调钢琴协奏曲


1.轻柔地;安静地;弱played or sung quietly



n.1.a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys that produce notes when you press them. Someone who plays the piano is usually called a pianist, but someone who plays popular music or jazz can also be called a piano player

adj.1.quietly, used as an instruction saying how a piece of music should be played or sung

1.钢琴 brush -- brushes 刷子, piano -- pianos 钢琴, photo-- photos 照片, ...

2.双钢琴 ... 《快乐岛》 l'isle joyeuse 双钢琴 2 pianos 李斯特 LISZT ...

3.钢琴类 火热促销 Hot 钢琴类 Pianos 键盘类 Keyboard ...

4.乐器钢琴 珠宝首饰 Jeweler 乐器钢琴 Pianos 时装时尚 Fashion ...

5.机架钢琴 (interesting) (有趣) (pianos) (机架钢琴) 2 useful 有用的 ...


1.Although the pianos are out on the streets for several days, Luke Jerram says vandapsm hasn't been a major problem.卢克·杰拉姆表示虽然钢琴放在街上已有几日了,破坏行为还不成为问题。

2.While beautiful music is often heard from pianos, much care and hard work goes into making pianos the enjoyable instruments they are.我们经常可以听到美妙的音乐从钢琴里飘出,更多的关心和努力的工作使得钢琴变为让人如此享受的乐器。

3.You know, do all the pianos in Redmond on Monday rather than going back and forth across 520 three times a day.你知道意思,星期一把Redmond地区的钢琴全部搞定,而不是一天之内在520公路来来回回三趟。

4.But a pianist was not always handy, so mechanical pianos, called pianolas or player pianos, took their place.但钢琴师并不是随时都在,因此称为自动钢琴或播放钢琴的一种机械钢琴就取代了普通钢琴的位置。

5.I don't need two pianos. But we're doing, 'cause you know, a concert - we've got two different locations for keyboard.我不需要两部钢琴。但我们在做,因为你知道,音乐会–我们必须有两个不同位置放键盘。

6.She was asked to do the after-sales service, that is to say, she had to tune the pianos for the customers in their homes.哪知道,经理却准备让她做售后服务,也就是琴行卖出钢琴后,由她上门帮顾客调琴。

7.Experienced tuners find they need to pitch raise many pianos before they feel confident enough to fine tune with it.老练的条频器发现他们需要投培养许多钢琴在他们感到足够确信最佳化以它之前。

8.Silence the pianos and with muffled drum, Bring out the coffin. . . let the mourners come.钢琴无声,鼓声低沉,抬出灵柩,让哀悼者前来。

9.Once again this current crop of new stage pianos really are wonderful and there really is no one best.再说一次,目前新出的这一批舞台电钢是非常不错的,都各有千秋,很难说那一款最好。

10.Silence the pianos and with muffled drumming out the coffin, let the mourners come.黯哑了钢琴,随着低沉的鼓点,抬出灵柩,让哀悼者前来。