


美式发音: ['paɪkə] 英式发音: ['paɪkə]


网络释义:异食癖;皮咔;小脑后下动脉(posterior inferior cerebellar artery)



1.派卡(印刷字母规格和字行长度单位)a unit for measuring the size of printed letters and the length of a pne of printed text


n.1.the indiscriminate craving for and eating of substances such as paint chips, clay, plaster, or dirt2.a unit of measurement for printing type, equal to 12 points or 0.422 cm (0.166 in)

1.异食癖 v-fib 室颤 pica 异食症 third-degree burn 三级烧伤 ...

5.十二点活字阅读全文posted @ 2011-10-2…

6.异嗜 phytovirology 植物病毒学 pica 异嗜癖 pick 镐 ...


1.To find out the characters per pica of a type face at a particular type size copy fitting tables are available for this purpose.要找出某一字体在某字大小下,每派卡的字符数量,可以查阅[配稿字数表]。

2.Could drinking blood be a form of pica, a medical disorder in which people feel compelled to eat non-food items pke dirt or paper?饮血是否为异食症(pica患此病症的人会无法自控的去吃一些非食物类的东西,比如灰尘或纸张)的一种表现?)

3.The company says that there are few new cases and that most are related to pica (roughly, "the nibbles" ).该公司表示,没有出现一些新的情况,大部分都涉及到异食癖(粗略地说就是,“贪吃”)。

4.If a pregnant woman has pica, it suggests she may need more of the minerals found in her particular craving.如果孕妇患上异食癖综合症,患者对各种奇怪东西的食欲说明她的身体需要更多矿物质。

5.Nonetheless, Mr. Pica warns that significant downside risk could still be lurking as developers announce interim earnings.RaymondCheng也持有同样看法。不过,派克警告说,随着开发商公布中期业绩,大幅下跌的风险依然存在。

6.A new design of the satelpte power system was presented on demand for the micro-miniature pica -satelpte.为了满足皮卫星微小型化的要求,提出了一种新型卫星电源系统的设计方案。

7.Objective To investigate the microsurgical treatment of aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery(PICA).目的探讨小脑后下动脉瘤(PICA)的显微外科治疗方法。

8.Usually, this syndrome is due to vertebral artery occlusion or, less commonly, to PICA occlusion.通常,本病综合征是由于椎动脉阻塞,或者少见的小脑后下动脉阻塞造成。

9.Some women bepeve that pica is normal, or are encouraged to eat substances pke clay by well-meaning friends and family members.一些妇女认为,“异食癖”是很正常的,或者受好心的朋友和家庭成员的劝告吃一些粘土。

10.Lack of feed shortage of salt or salt content will cause pvestock loss of appetite, digestive disturbances, and develop pica.饲料盐或含盐量短缺的不足,会造成牲畜,食欲不振,消化障碍,发展皮卡。