


美式发音: [ˈpɪknɪk] 英式发音: ['pɪknɪk]




复数:picnics  过去式:picnicked  现在分词:picnicking  搭配同义词

adj.+n.annual picnic,family picnic

v.+n.hold picnic

v.eat outside



1.野餐an occasion when people pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors, especially in the countryside

It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic .天气不错;咱们去野餐吧。

We had a picnic beside the river.我们在河边野餐。

2.野餐食物the meal, usually consisting of sandwiches , salad and fruit, etc. that you take with you when you go on a picnic

Let's eat our picnic by the lake.咱们到湖边去吃野餐吧。

a picnic lunch午间野餐

a picnic basket野餐提篮


Bringing up a family when you're unemployed is no picnic.失了业还要抚养孩子可不是容易的事。

be no picnic(informal)可不容易;不是好玩的to be difficult and cause a lot of problems

Bringing up a family when you're unemployed is no picnic.失了业还要抚养孩子可不是容易的事。


1.[i]野餐to have a picnic

No picnicking allowed(= on a sign)禁止野餐



n.1.a meal eaten outside, especially in the countryside; used about the things that you use or eat at a picnic

v.1.to have a picnic

1.野餐 author 作家 picnic 野餐 hair band 发带 ...

2.梦旅人 走出非洲 / Out of Africa 1985 梦旅人 / PicNic 1996 国王的演讲 / The King's Speech 2010 ...

3.郊游 pubpc 公共的,公用的 picnic 野餐,郊游 Olympic 奥林匹克的 ...

4.野宴 The Rose Tattoo 玫瑰梦 Picnic 野宴 Mister Roberts 罗伯茨先生 ...

5.郊游野餐 author 作家 picnic 郊游野餐 hair band 发带 ...

6.去野餐 a day in the country 郊区一日游 picnic 野炊 pleasure trip 漫游 ...

8.野餐咖啡 Pozzo 普诺面包坊 Picnic 野餐咖啡 Tasters 吃吃看 ...


1.Unless hamburgers or hot dogs are cooked over a fire, picnic food is usually cold -- sandwiches, salads, potato chips, pickles.除了汉堡或热狗需要用火烹饪,野餐的食物通常都是冷的,如:三明治,色拉,马铃薯片,泡菜。

2.My aunt invited me to the movies, but I said I had rather go on a picnic with my friends.我姨母请我去看电影,但我说我还是愿意和朋友们一起去野餐。

3.Meter A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies.一男一女在公园里享用野餐。这野餐是以下每幅图的中心。

4.She then dusted off the crumbs from the picnic table so that they would not find ants crawpng over their space the next day.然后她掸掉野餐桌上的面包屑,这样明天桌面上就不会爬满蚂蚁了。

5.Usually a bento is rice packed in a container with a variety of side dishes. It is often taken to picnic or to school or the workplace.在容器里放入米饭和菜肴制成的便当不仅可以用于野餐,平时也有很多人将便当带到公司和学校。

6.My aunt invited me to the movies, but I said I had rather go on a picnic with the girls.我的姑妈邀请我去看电影,可是我倒愿意跟女孩子们一起去野餐。

7.For the first time ever, getting out of a car is no picnic. My back is hunched. And I'm holding on to handrails as I lurch upstairs.有史以来第一次,我从车里出来不是去野餐。我的背已经又弯又驼了。当我挣扎着上楼时,我必须要扶着扶手。

8.He told me that they would go on a picnic if it didn't rain the next day .他告诉我说,如果第二天不下雨,他们将会野餐。

9.Why risk taking her to a fancy restaurant when you could just meet your sister for a picnic in the park?如果你能和你的姐妹野餐聚会的话又为什么要带她们去那些豪华的酒店聚会呢?

10.They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag.正当她在林边和孩子们一起吃野餐时,他们朝她冲来,企图抢她的提包。