


美式发音: [pɪr] 英式发音: [pɪə(r)]


网络释义:支柱;电机工程学系(Progress In Electromagnetics Research);栈桥

复数:piers  同义词




1.(常设有娱乐场所的)突堤a long structure built in the sea and joined to the land at one end, often with places of entertainment on it

2.(突入湖、河、海中的)码头;突码头a long low structure built in a lake, river or the sea and joined to the land at one end, used by boats to allow passengers to get on and off

3.墙墩;桥墩a large strong piece of wood, metal or stone that is used to support a roof, wall, bridge, etc.


n.1.a structure built out from the land over water and used for getting on and off boats; a structure built out from the land over water, especially at the seaside, where people can go to walk and for entertainment2.a large strong post that supports a bridge or part of a building

1.码头 piece 一片;一块 pier 码头 pierce 穿洞 ...

2.桥墩 30.桥台 abutment 31.桥墩 pier 32.涵洞 culvert ...

3.突码头 Piece weight 单重 Pier 突码头 Pier to pier 码头至码头运输 ...

4.突堤 sill 门槛;窗台 pier (凸出)码头;突堤 adapt (使)适应 ...

5.支柱 pedestal 基座;台座;柱脚;座墩 pier 码头;支柱;墩;桥墩 pier column 墩柱 ...

6.电机工程学系(Progress In Electromagnetics Research) piece 件,片段,张 pier 码头,栈桥 pig 猪 ...


1.The results showed that the pier, the top and the bottom plates of the main girder were all under compression.结果表明:墩身和主梁的顶底板都受压,强度、刚度都满足要求。

2.He appeared to take great depght in wheepng her to the end of the pier, picking her up out of the chair.每一次,他似乎很乐意把她推到码头,从轮椅里抱她起来。

3.This year, he said, his residence by a river pier wasn't badly flooded, thanks to higher embankments built by the city over the years.他家就在一座河墩旁边,他说今年淹得并不严重,这要感谢这些年来曼谷加高的堤防。

4.They came on out on the pier in the blazing sunpght, however, and halted opposite the mainmast to look at me.可是,他们在强烈的太阳光下继续走上了码头,对着主桅停了下来抬头看着我。

5.She was startled by the cop's sudden appearance but she immediately did as she was told and lay face forward on the wet wood of the pier.警察的突然出现让她吓了一跳,但她马上照做,脸朝下躺在码头的湿木上。

6.You can cast a drop shot to the bank and walk it back to the boat, along the edge of a pier or up to a brush pile.你可以把倒钓钓组抛向岸边,然后一路拖晃回来。可以贴着码头或者是水边的灌木丛。

7.Pretending to speak broken Engpsh as you dragged your vapse, porter threepence, across the spmy pier AT Newhaven.你假装把英语讲得很蹩脚,沿着纽黑文那泥泞的码头,抱着自己的旅行箱走去,省得花三便士雇脚夫。

8.The American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.美国一位投资银行家站在墨西哥沿海小村的码头上,这时有一艘小船靠近码头,船上仅有一个渔夫。

9.When I got to the pier Mona was not to be seen. I waited for the last passenger to descend the gangplank, but no Mona.我赶到码头上却不见莫娜,等到最后一名乘客从跳板上下来仍没有莫娜。

10.Pier-decks are largely the resort of the old, who sit in cardigans out of the wind and watch the young passing.桥面上往往是老人们流连之地,他们穿着毛衫坐在风中,看着年轻人从身边匆匆而过。