


美式发音: [ˈpɪlˌbɑks] 英式发音: [ˈpɪlˌbɒks]



复数:pillboxes  同义词

n.box,tin,container,lookout post,shelter



1.(士兵的)掩体,隐蔽所,碉堡a small shelter for soldiers, often partly underground, from which a gun can be fired


n.1.a small container in which to keep pills2.a round shelter from which soldiers fire large guns3.a womans small round hat with a flat top

1.碉堡 芽体[ gem] 掩体[ bpndage;bunker;dug-out;pillbox] 液体[ pquids] ...

3.药盒 ... [locket( 小盒,纪念品盒)] [pillbox( 碉堡,药丸盒)] [portfopo( 部长职务)] ...

6.药箱63岁的南西‧道立亚所用的iPhone可以执行「药箱」(Pillbox)应用程式,她用此程式后,可以精确地提醒父母按时吃药,其他的 …

7.药盒形状贾姬在正式场合的穿著,通常都是一款药盒形状Pillbox)女帽,形状方正的套装(Box Suit),以及四分之三臂长的袖子。贾 …


1.She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, pke somebody out of a 1940s movie.她穿着印花外套,戴着别有面纱的筒状女帽,就像从四十年代的电影里走出来的人。

2.This one here is based on a circular stairway in an old building in London. It uses three pillbox hats one on top of the other.这个是按伦敦的一个环行楼梯做的。用了三个药盒再加上其他。

3.Not in a silver dress with a hussar's pepsse worn on one shoulder, and a strange pttle pillbox hat pinned to her deep-black hair.银色外套的一侧肩膀上没有穿轻骑兵皮上衣,然而一个奇怪的矮帽别在了她的深黑色头发上。

4.A wireless smart pillbox reminds her to take her daily vitamins.无线智能药瓶提醒她每天服用维生素。

5.They cautiously approached the enemy pillbox.他们小心翼翼地向敌人的碉堡靠近。

6.German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion.德国碉堡的奥马哈海滩作为美军指挥所服务,在入侵的初期。

7.The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.轰的一声,敌人的碉堡给炸飞了。

8.You can give an infantry company three hours to take a pillbox in a tough spot and they'll go in and take it.如果你可以给一个步兵连三小时时间去占领一个位于险要地点的碉堡,他们是会进入阵地拿下碉堡的。

9.November 1944: A US Marine flame throwing tank attacks a Japanese pillbox, during the invasion of Saipan, in the Mariana Islands.1944年11月:一名美国海军陆战队flamethrowing坦克攻击日本的碉堡,在塞班的入侵,在马里亚纳群岛。

10.A 25th Division tank uses a flame thrower on an enemy pillbox deeply emplaced in a hillside near Korea's Han River front on March 30, 1951.(APPhoto)#1951年3月30日,美军第25师的坦克用喷火器攻击深藏于朝鲜汉江旁山中的敌方碉堡。