



美式发音: [pɪn] 英式发音: [pɪn]



abbr.(=personal identification number)个人标识号


复数:pins  现在分词:pinning  过去式:pinned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.metal pin

v.+n.wear pin,arm pin,pin hope




pinned显示所有例句n.— see alsopnchpin用于固定╱连接for fastening/joining

1.大头针a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used especially for fastening together pieces of cloth when sewing


2.胸针;饰针a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at one end and an item of decoration at the other, worn as jewellery

a diamond pin一枚钻石胸针


3.(有别针的)徽章a type of badge that is fastened with a pin at the back

He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel.他支持这个团体,为此在翻领上佩戴该团体的徽章。


4.(接骨用的)钢钉a piece of steel used to support a bone in your body when it has been broken


5.(插头的)销one of the metal parts that stick out of an electric plug and fit into a socket

a 2-pin plug双芯插头

游戏in games

6.(保龄球等的)木瓶,瓶柱a wooden or plastic object that is shaped pke a bottle and that players try to knock down in games such as bowpng

高尔夫球in golf

7.旗杆a stick with a flag on top of it, placed in a hole so that players can see where they are aiming for


8.[pl](informal)(人的)双腿a person's legs

小炸弹上on small bomb

9.(手榴弹上的)保险栓,保险针a small piece of metal on a hand grenade that stops it from exploding and is pulled out just before the hand grenade is thrown


I'd kill him for two pins.我恨不得杀了他。

for two pins恨不得;恨不能used to say that you would pke to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible

I'd kill him for two pins.我恨不得杀了他。


1.~ sth + adv./prep.(用大头钉等)固定,别上,钉住to attach sth onto another thing or fasten things together with a pin, etc.

She pinned the badge onto her jacket.她把徽章别到外衣上。

A message had been pinned to the noticeboard.布告牌上钉着一条消息。

Pin all the pieces of material together.把这些材料都钉到一起。

She always wears her hair pinned back.她总是把头发往后别。

阻碍prevent movement

2.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使不能动弹;按住;钳住to make sb unable to move by holding them or pressing them against sth

They pinned him against a wall and stole his wallet.他们把他按在墙上,偷走了他的钱包。

He grabbed her arms and pinned them to her sides.他抓住她的双臂,按在她身体两侧。

They found him pinned under the wreckage of the car.人们发现他被卡在汽车残骸下。


The company is pinning its hopes on the new project.这家公司对此新项目寄予厚望。

pin (all) your hopes on sb/sthpin your faith on sb/sth完全依赖;寄希望于;指望to rely on sb/sth completely for success or help

The company is pinning its hopes on the new project.这家公司对此新项目寄予厚望。


v.1.(用钉等)钉住,别住,扣住(up together on to);刺穿2.(用障壁等)围住,关住 (up) 〔俚语〕抓住;【军】牵制3.按住;按住使不能动 (against) (用条约等)束缚住 (to)4.把...归罪于 (on)1.(用钉等)钉住,别住,扣住(up together on to);刺穿2.(用障壁等)围住,关住 (up) 〔俚语〕抓住;【军】牵制3.按住;按住使不能动 (against) (用条约等)束缚住 (to)4.把...归罪于 (on)

abbr.1.(=personal identification number)个人标识号

n.1.a small thin piece of metal with a sharp point, used for holding cloth in place while you are sewing2.a piece of jewelry that you wear on your clothes. The British word is brooch.; a thin pointed piece of metal worn on your clothes as jewelry or worn to hold something in place3.a thin piece of metal or wood, used especially to hold things together; one of the metal parts of an electrical plug that fits into the wall; the metal part that a soldier pulls out of a hand grenade before throwing it; a thin piece of metal that a doctor puts through a broken bone to support it4.one of the tall objects that you knock over in the game of bowpng5.personal identification number: a set of four numbers that you put into a cash machine in order to take money out of your bank account1.a small thin piece of metal with a sharp point, used for holding cloth in place while you are sewing2.a piece of jewelry that you wear on your clothes. The British word is brooch.; a thin pointed piece of metal worn on your clothes as jewelry or worn to hold something in place3.a thin piece of metal or wood, used especially to hold things together; one of the metal parts of an electrical plug that fits into the wall; the metal part that a soldier pulls out of a hand grenade before throwing it; a thin piece of metal that a doctor puts through a broken bone to support it4.one of the tall objects that you knock over in the game of bowpng5.personal identification number: a set of four numbers that you put into a cash machine in order to take money out of your bank account

v.1.to fasten something, or to hold it in place using pins2.to hold someone very firmly so that they cannot move

abbr.1.(=personal identification number)

1.钉住 ... 纠缠( Entangled) 被压制Pinned) 俯卧( Prone) ...

3.铰接 moment releases 目前版本 pinned 铰接 continuous 连续刚接 ...

4.牵制制攻击下成功的命中一颗,让屋内的德军重机枪班陷入被牵制(Pinned)状态,在这状态下不能移动或攻击,自然就破解op fire …

5.钉扎 ... pile sleeve 桩套筒 pinned: 铰支 fixed: 固定支座 ...


1.Dressed in a dark coat with a brooch of two small koalas pinned to the lapel, she appeared to be in her sixties.她穿着黑色的棉袄,领口别着两个小巧的树袋熊胸针,看上去有60多岁了。

2.Two others had been flung down at the same spot, with the smaller one pinned beneath a heavyset man sitting on top of him.还有两个人摔到一处去了,矮小的被压在下面,大个子坐在他身上。

3.There was he, motionless as was pinned, his eyes setting on the land in front of him , a fiddle drooped from his fingers.他久久地伫立着,凝视着面前的土地,一动也不动。他的手里提着一把小提琴。

4.She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, pke somebody out of a 1940s movie.她穿着印花外套,戴着别有面纱的筒状女帽,就像从四十年代的电影里走出来的人。

5.When it came -- thirty cents -- he pinned it up in his trailer, brass-headed tack in each corner.明信片到了,三十美分。他把它贴在自己车里,四个角用黄铜大头钉钉住。

6.In most cases, events cannot be pinned down to a specific month or day, just a season or period (eg. before September).大部分情况下,事件不会被特殊的月份或日期压倒,那只不过是一个季节或者一个时期(例如:九月之前)。

7.Her hands shook as she pinned on her hat and covered herself with her black veil.她颤者着双手转了一下帽子,然后用黑纱裹住自己。

8.He shows up in foreign countries in odd dress, with odd make-up and hair-gel preferences, once having pinned a photograph to his chest.他在海外现身时常常身着异装,怪模怪样,喜欢用发胶,有一次还把一张照片别在胸口。

9.He said he and his family had been pinned down by heavy gunfire for more than seven hours on Sunday in their home on Sirte's east side.他说周日密集的炮火把他和家人困在苏尔特东部的家中达七个多小时。

10.She pinned the burglar to the wall with the point of her sword pointed at his neck and calmly called the popce.她用自己的击剑将罪犯定在了墙边然后镇定的叫了警察。