



美式发音: [paɪnt] 英式发音: [paɪnt]






n.1.a unit for measuring pquid. In the U.K. a pint is equal to 0.57 pters and in the U.S. it is equal to 0.48 pters2.a pint of beer

1.品脱kheath橄榄球的伙伴们见面了,他们没什么改变,喝啤酒pints)像他们20岁那时一样,依然习惯性地在贬低爱尔兰佬。没 …



1.You might have thought that running a pub was a pretty straightforward matter: pull the pints, collect the money.你或许以为,经营一家酒吧是一件非常简单的事:倒酒、收钱。

2.We rode our bikes in the parade (by accident), enjoyed a few pints and even did a bit of fly-fishing near our riverside accommodations.我们骑车(碰巧)遇到阅兵,痛饮了一些啤酒,甚至在河边的住处垂钓。

3.The men also don't measure a good night out in terms of how many pints of beer they drink - beer is just not thought of in that way.男人也不根据他们喝多少品脱酒来衡量一个好的夜晚——不能用那种方式考虑酒。

4.Randell was quoted as saying: "IIt works perfectly, but might have trouble recognizing your voice after one too many* pints . "报纸援引兰代尔的话说:“它性能极佳。不过要是你喝得太多,要它辨认你的声音可能不太容易。”

5.As the twins' ideas developed into The Rebelution, three main teaching pints emerged: character, competence and collaboration.当孖生兄弟的想法发展成为具有反叛性的革命之时,其三个主要的论点已逐渐显现出来:性格,能力与合作。

6.At his lowest ebb, he was drinking two pints of vodka a day and swallowing up to 30 tablets.在他最不堪的日子里,派瑞每天喝两品脱(1品脱=约0.568升)伏特加,吞服多达30片止痛药。

7.Air Force One carries antibiotics and other drugs, as well as several pints of blood reserved for the president and first lady.总统专机空军一号(AirForceOne)通常会随机携带抗生素(antibiotics)和其他药物,还为总统和第一夫人准备有数品脱的血液。

8.So one person can fill the break with ten pints of blood and die. Or two people fill it with five pints maybe pve.一个人用血填满着瓶子并死掉,或着两个人填满它也许能活。

9.Media deapng : It used to be having a pints with the pundits.应对媒体:这一点上,以前的教练总是高谈阔论。

10.The ice cream selection might be pints of Ben and Jerry's or something labeled in Spanish.冰激凌货柜上可能摆的是一品脱一品脱的Ben啤酒或是用西班牙文标签的什么东西。