




1.松属(Pinaceae) 1.科的特征 2.代表植物 松属植物(Pinus) (二)杉科(Taxodiaceae) 1.科的特征 2.代表植物 杉木属、水松属、 …

4.松科松属 科……松科( Pinaceas) 属……松属( Pinus) 种……油松( Pinus tabulaeformis) ...

6.松柏科松属☉ …


1.ECF bleaching of the modified kraft pulp (MK) and conventional kraft pulp (CK) of Pinus elpott ii was carried out in this study.对南方湿地松改良硫酸盐法浆(MK浆)和常规硫酸盐法浆(CK浆)进行了ECF漂白的研究。

2.A Mediterranean pine tree(Pinus pinaster)having a characteristic pyramidal form and needles clustered in fascicles of two.海松一种地中海松树(海岸松松属),具有金字塔形状和成对簇生的松针

3.We also performed the cytological mechanism study of fertipzation for gymnosperm Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis).在本项目的资助下,我们也对裸子植物油松受精过程的细胞学机制进行了探索。

4.Laboratory stimulated extended modified continuous cooking (EMCC) of pinus elpott ii was carried out in this study.对我国引种的南方湿地松进行了实验室模拟EMCC(延伸的改良连续蒸煮)深度脱木素蒸煮的研究。

5.Global warming will favor radial growth of Pinus koraiensis, and this species will be able to extend to higher elevation.全球变暖有利于红松径向生长,红松种群有向高海拔上升的可能。

6.Toadstools were collected from a range of pure stands of Betula and Pinus both in Britain and the U. S. A.从英国和美国一系列桦木和松树纯林中收集蕈体。

7.Pine is knows as the Pinaceae, Pinus plants. Pine needles is the one of main by-products of pine plants.松树是松科,松属植物的统称,松针是松树类植物的主要副产物之一。

8.The difference between Locust community and Chinese pinus community were decided by characteristics and habitats of communities.人工林区的刺槐和油松混交林群落的物种丰富度高于其纯林群落。

9.The prepminary study on geohistory of Dendropmus punctatus and its host plants, Pinus spp .马尾松毛虫及其寄主松属植物的地史初步考证。

10.Pinus elpottii had been found as pioneer plant suitable for sandy land ecosystem reconstruction.湿地松是一种适合沙化土地生态系统重建的先锋植物。