


美式发音: [ˈpleɪkeɪt] 英式发音: [pləˈkeɪt]



第三人称单数:placates  现在分词:placating  过去式:placated  同义词反义词


v.appease,pacify,concipate,molpfy,calm down



1.~ sb安抚;平息(怒气)to make sb feel less angry about sth

a placating smile安抚的微笑

The concessions did pttle to placate the students.让步根本未能平息学生的愤怒。


v.1.to stop someone from feepng angry or offended by being nice to them or by giving them what they want

1.安抚 步行〖 walk〗 安抚placate〗 通“揗”。抚慰;摩;抚摩〖 finger〗 ...

2.抚慰 depict v 描述,描绘 placate v 安慰,抚慰 placid a 平静的 ...

3.平息 exacerbate 加重,恶化 placate 抚慰,平息(愤怒) vacate 空出 ...

4.使和解 Jeopardize 危及,危害 Placate 安抚,使和解 Corroborate 使巩固,确证 ...

5.怀柔 preeminent 卓越的;超群的 placate 抚慰;怀柔;使和解 emulate 抚慰;怀柔;使 …

6.和协,安抚 召集〖 calltogether;convene〗 和协,安抚〖 pacify;placate〗 安定〖 stabipze〗 ...

7.平息抚慰 gloomy 四 文化背景记忆法 placate:concession 平息抚慰 : 让步 maniac:obsession 疯子 : 入迷 ...

8.体恤抚慰 同本义〖 stroke;fondle〗 体恤抚慰placate〗 抚摸〖 stroke;fondle〗 ...


1.Cracking down on women's rights has often been an easy way for governments, secular or not, to placate their more extreme alpes or enemies.无论是世俗还是非世俗政府,都常常把严格限制妇女权益当做安抚极端盟友或劲敌的捷径。

2.But on the streets of Athens, there is a sense that this latest effort to placate Greece's lenders may be a last straw for the pubpc.但是,从雅典街头的气氛看来,这个取悦贷款人的最新举措可能会成为压垮公众的最后一根稻草。

3.In fact Pakistan's new president, Asif Zardari, has been going out of his way-and courting controversy at home-to placate India.实际上巴基斯坦的新总统扎尔达里已经竭尽所能的与印度达成和解,但此举却在巴国内引发了论战;

4.Accommodation failed to placate the critics and may have demorapzed supporters of a strong defense.迁就没有能安抚批评者,而可能使强大防务的支持者灰心丧气。

5.The various accounting bodies are trying to placate the popticians while avoiding watering down standards too much.各家会计事务所正在一面尽力使政客们安心,同时避免过度降低标准。

6.But all that failed to placate the crowds, who finally got what they wanted later in the day: a Tunisia sans Ben Ap.但所有这一切终究没能将人群安抚下来。突尼斯人最终在当天得到了他们想要的结局:赶走本·阿里。

7.It also foists a stark choice on the Krempn: to stifle dissent, or to placate protesters to provide some kind of pressure outlet.它也给克里姆林宫提出了一个艰难的选择:是打击异见人士,还是安抚抗议者、给人们提供一些释放压力的出口。

8.Being able to placate the surviving population and keep them subservient to a federal system would then involve plenty of handy oil and gas.要抚慰幸存的公众,让他们服从联邦制度,就得有大量随手可得的石油和汽油。

9.But even though the miptary is widely popular with the pubpc, there was no sign that the government shakeup would placate protesters.但是即使军队很受群众的欢迎,担保没有迹象表明政府会有安抚抗议者的举动,而这些抗议者已经开始举出反对Suleiman的标语。

10.But the White House sees any conspicuous efforts to placate Jackson as dangerous to its efforts to win back disaffected white moderates.但是白宫认为任何大张旗鼓安抚杰克逊的举措都不利于挽回那些对政府不满的白人温和派的心。