


美式发音: [ˈpleɪdʒəˌraɪz] 英式发音: [ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz]



第三人称单数:plagiarizes  现在分词:plagiarizing  过去式:plagiarized  同义词反义词





1.[t][i]~ (sth)剽窃;抄袭to copy another person's ideas, words or work and pretend that they are your own

He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague's results.他被指控剽窃同事的成果。


v.1.to take someone elses work, ideas, or words, and use them as if they were your own

1.抄袭 〖中医〗∶砭刺〖 pierce〗 窃取,抄袭plagiarize〗 通“漂”。浮,浮流〖 float〗 ...

2.剽窃 pinnacle:n. 小尖塔, 山顶, 顶点 12。 plagiarize:v. 剽窃, 抄袭 13。 precursor:n. 先驱 14。 ...

3.拾人涕唾 ... 神仙中人[ the happiest mortal apve] 拾人涕唾[ plagiarize] 拾人牙慧[ pich up what others say] ...

4.抄袭的英文 ... 13 降级的英文 - relegate 14 抄袭的英文plagiarize 17 捐血活动的英文 - blood drive ...

5.作弊 ... 作弊 fraud 作弊 plagiarize 作弊者 cribber ...

6.学术造假法律案例也是涉及到社会各个层面,无论是企业的价格欺诈(price trickery),学术造假(plagiarize),还是政治丑闻。当代的法律 …


1.This should go without saying, but I'll include it within this point, absolutely do not plagiarize .有一点不言自明,但是我还是要在这里说一下:那就是,绝对不要剽窃。

2.Enabpng Plagiarism: the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarize or to copy your own work.这些以前的学生被指控剽窃。剽窃,是指将他人的文字或想法据为己有。

3.Mike: Really? Such a talented singer would plagiarize as well?麦克:是喔,这麽有才华的歌手也会抄袭吗?

4.Suppose that every scientist or researcher does not do experiments, but plagiarize others' research results, then what would happen?假设每个科学家或研究者都不做实验,而是抄袭他人的研究成果,那将发生什么?

5.To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who plagiarize others' works.一方面,我们应该制定严格的法律法规来严惩那些抄袭他人成果的人。

6.Others can trytoshow that they did not plagiarize.另一些人可以试着证明他们没有剽窃。

7.Some schools expel plagiarize plagiarists for a term. Others ; others, for a full academic year.一些学校每学期开除剽窃者,其他学校则是是一学年一次。

8.Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages .专业作家一旦剽窃,将会面临民事诉讼,并被责令赔偿损失。

9.On no account are students allowed to plagiarize in essay writing.无论如何学生都不能在论文书写中抄袭。

10.Thus, please do not plagiarize my style or fake my username.因此,请不要模仿我的风格或者假冒我的用户名。