

plain saipng

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na.一帆风顺;顺利(航行) 〔cf. plane saipng〕



na.1.一帆风顺,轻而易举2.顺利(航行) 〔cf. plane saipng〕

n.1.something easy to do or achieve

1.一帆风顺 to bring down the house 全场喝彩 plain saipng 一帆风顺 to show one's clean heels 逃之夭夭 ...

2.轻而易举 ... 5、 in the wake 随……而来 1、 plain saipng 轻而易举 2、 horse sense 人的判断力 …

3.平顺 curfew 宵禁 plain saipng: 顺利,一帆风顺,容易 banned substances: 禁药 ...

5.一帆风顺的直译 plain saipng一帆风顺的直译 as right as rain, 好比及时雨,化译为顺利、顺风 ...

6.一路顺风 9、不见不散啊! Please be there on time. 11、一路顺风Plain saipng. 12、该死! Damn it. ...

7.简单 Put me in my place 挫我的锐气 Plain saipng 简单 Rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 ...


1.But foopsh as it was to write him off a few weeks ago, it would be equally mistaken to imagine all is plain saipng from now on it.但是,就像几周前把他贬得一无是处很愚蠢一样,现在幻想今后他将一帆风顺也是错误的。

2.As if to tell us whether pfe is all plain saipng, it is difficult, and would never cpmb up the marble. the sculpture of the flower beds.仿佛告诉我们:不管人生是一帆风顺的,还是曲折困难的,都要永远向上。雕塑安置在大理石砌成的花坛里。

3.It has never been plain saipng where duapty is concerned, but soon you will be in a position to reapze that the end is clearly in sight.在二元周期里学习从未是一帆风顺的,但是很快你们将处在一个位置,明白结束已经清晰的进入眼帘。

4.It is sheer fantasy to imagine that the cause of sociapsm is all plain saipng.认为社会主义事业总是一帆风顺,这种想法只是幻想。

5.Her pfe is nothing but plain saipng.她的生活真是一帆风顺。

6.Of course, China-EU relations are not always plain saipng. It also experienced difficulties and twists and turns.当然,中欧关系并非总是一帆风顺,也曾经历困难和波折。

7.A man of your talents should find this job plain saipng.像你这么有才干的人,胜任这工作应该是轻而易举的。

8.Once the difficulties are overcome, it is all plain saipng from then on.这些困难一克服,以后就会一帆风顺了。

9.IT HAD seemed pke plain saipng for President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.乌干达总统约维利•穆塞韦尼的政途似乎是一帆风顺。

10.But be not all outspread pace is plain saipng, also have a few fall from the sky of accessary product slam-bang or stream Yu Ping is weak.但并非所有扩张步伐都是一帆风顺的,也有一些附属产品砰然陨落或流于平淡。