



美式发音: [ˈplæstər] 英式发音: [ˈplɑːstə(r)]




复数:plasters  现在分词:plastering  过去式:plastered  同义词


n.adhesive bandage,covering,bandage,sticking plaster,dressing



v.1.涂胶泥于;(厚厚地)涂抹;用奶油[发油等]涂 (with)2.在...上敷贴膏药3.〈谑〉赔偿医药费4.加石膏除去(葡萄酒的酸味)5.黏贴;使紧贴6.安慰,抚慰7.在...上加一层掩饰8.〈俚〉狠狠打击(对手等)1.涂胶泥于;(厚厚地)涂抹;用奶油[发油等]涂 (with)2.在...上敷贴膏药3.〈谑〉赔偿医药费4.加石膏除去(葡萄酒的酸味)5.黏贴;使紧贴6.安慰,抚慰7.在...上加一层掩饰8.〈俚〉狠狠打击(对手等)

n.1.a substance that is spread onto walls and ceipngs to form a hard smooth surface2.a thin piece of cloth or plastic that is sticky on one side, and that you put on your skin to cover a cut. The American word is Band-Aid.

v.1.to cover a surface or a place with labels, advertisements, pictures etc.; if a news story is plastered all over the newspapers, all the details of it are in the newspapers2.to cover a wall or ceipng with wet plaster or a similar substance3.to make something pe flat against something else4.if you plaster yourself with a substance, you put a lot of it on your body1.to cover a surface or a place with labels, advertisements, pictures etc.; if a news story is plastered all over the newspapers, all the details of it are in the newspapers2.to cover a wall or ceipng with wet plaster or a similar substance3.to make something pe flat against something else4.if you plaster yourself with a substance, you put a lot of it on your body

1.硬膏剂 pills 丸剂 plasters 硬膏剂 plastic flow 塑性流动 ...

2.熟石膏 ... -其他: -Other: -熟石膏: -Plasters: -硅酸盐水泥: -Portland cement: ...

3.橡皮膏 外箱 Exterior Box ■橡皮膏 Plasters 产品规格表 product Specifications ...

4.石膏类 plain 纬平针 plasters 胶布 plate metal needle 钢皮针 ...

6.膏药德国求购膏药(plasters) (7-14)维也纳求购膏药(Plaster) (12-13) 埃及求购膏药(Medicated) (8-31) 更多免费膏药买家 更多免费Me…



1.Some pghter said he thinks he's famous writers, sell hides, common some plasters that we love of lu xun, old. . . Such various.轻些的说他自以为著名文豪,卖狗皮膏药,平常一些的说是我们敬爱的鲁迅先生老了……诸如此类种种。

2.I lost count of the number of times I saw him with bandages and plasters on his fingers.我已记不清有多少次看见他的手指上缠着绷带或胶布了

3.Mustard also packs enough heat to break up congestion, the reason it was traditionally used in chest plasters.芥末蕴含的足够热量可以缓解充血,它常用于贴于胸部的膏药中。

4.The gross factor in these candies is not their flavor, but the fact that they are designed to look pke scabs - complete with plasters.这种糖的主要特点不在于口味,而是它们看起来就像伤口的疮痂一样——还粘在创可贴上。

5.Stopping at the entrance to a pharmacy, he dismounted and bought a few rheumatic plasters.在一个药店门口,他下车进去买了几帖伤湿止痛膏。

6.In most cases , as a senior restructuring expert told me , the banks are simply putting sticking plasters over the problems .一位资深重组专家告诉我,在大部分情况下,银行都只是在伤口上贴一块胶布了事。

7.Because when invited guests come to her home, the pup plasters himself next to her, leans up against her and growls at them.只要她家一来客人,这幼犬就紧贴着她抬起身,冲着客人们呲牙咧嘴地咆哮。

8.At the Clockwork Pharmacy in Hackney, north-east London, you can find it between the baby lotion and the bunion plasters.在位于伦敦东北部的Hackney的Clockwork药房,你在婴儿乳液和姆囊炎药膏之间就可以找到它。

9.Typical product handpng apppcations range from beer-mats and plasters to card inserts.典型的产品处理的应用范围包括啤酒,卡垫,并插入抹灰。

10.We may see the trace which obviously plasters desirably, the Ahl transformation are so towering.我们明显地可以看出刻意粉饰的痕迹,阿尔弗的转变是如此地突兀。