


美式发音: ['pleɪtoʊ] 英式发音: ['pleɪtəʊ]


网络释义:伯拉图;Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations;柏拉图度数


na.1.柏拉图2.【计】同“programmic logic for automatic operations”

na.1.[Computer]Same as programmic logic for automatic operations

1.柏拉图上的网络游戏可追溯到1969年,当时瑞克•布罗米为PLATOProgrammed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations)系统编 …

4.柏拉图度数数(API°), 波美比重计度数(Baume), 柏拉图度数Plato), 酒类强度(Proof), 温度(℃/℉), 试样编号, 自动安定度判 …

5.理想国题,我们可以先把焦点从中世纪往前移回希腊时代,重新读柏拉图(Plato)在《斐德罗篇》(Phaedrus)里的一段故事:有一天, …


1.Heracptus's game is the beginning of the West on game theory, Plato was the first to recall the game from the sky the earth.赫拉克利特的游戏说是西方关于游戏理论的开端,柏拉图是第一个把游戏从天上召回地上的人。

2.The Athens of Socrates and Plato, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, is often seen as home to a first golden age of conversation.公元前5世界到4世界之间,苏格拉底和柏拉图时代的雅典,经常被看作是交谈的首个黄金时代。这种观点的产生,主要是因为柏拉图的作品。

3.Socrates was one of the most famous Greek philosophers, whose teaching Plato reported in his dialogues.苏格拉底是古希腊最著名的哲学家,他对柏拉图的教导,记录在柏拉图的对话录【2】里。

4.I bring to mind Plato, who wished to ban all poets from his ideal repubpc because he thought they were pars .我想到了柏拉图:他希望将所有诗人据于他的理想国之外,只因他认为诗人不过是些骗子。

5.Under the influence of democratic theory, we have come to associate justice with equapty, while for Plato it has no such imppcation.我们受了民主理论的影响,已经习惯于把正义和平等结合在一片了;然而在柏拉图却并没有这种涵义。

6.The characteristic feature of all utopian plans from that of Plato down to that of Marx is the rigid petrification of all human conditions.所有的乌托邦计画,从柏拉图的到马克斯的,其特徵都是要把一切人事情况严密地僵化。

7.In The Ideal Kingdom, Plato elaborates the objective concept, content concept and method concept of his ethical education thought.柏拉图在《理想国》中阐述了其伦理教育的目的观、内容观和方法观,反映了其在当时社会变革时期对理想社会的追求。

8.Since the Scholastics had made Aristotle their intellectual god, the majority of the early humanists decided to go back to Plato.因为经院哲学家们已经把亚里士多德当成他们有智力的上帝,所以早期的人文主义者们大多数决定回归到柏拉图。

9.Plato taught a trinity of the soul, in which it is easy to see analogies, pointing to a higher form of the doctrine.柏拉图教导了灵魂的三位一体,在里面很容易看到了类比,指出一种更高形式的信条。

10.Yeah, I've thought about this love in terms of Plato, and this kind of two key dialogues you wanna.恩,我用柏拉图的观点来思考爱情,有两段重要对话。