




1.打麻将 [stir up trouble] 有意给别人找麻烦;惹麻烦 [play mah-jong] 玩麻将牌,用麻将牌消遣或赌博 [beat and scold] 打击责骂 ...

3.用麻将牌消遣或赌博 [stir up trouble] 有意给别人找麻烦;惹麻烦 [play mah-jong] 玩麻将牌,用麻将牌消遣或赌博 [beat and scold] 打击责骂 ...

4.文化节目打麻将 muscleman 打算 intend 打量 look cl…

5.同打麻将 [play a card] 玩纸牌,用纸牌消遣或赌博 [play mah-jong] 同打麻将 ...

6.你会打麻将 ... play mah-jong : 打麻将 play mah-jong你会打麻将 Automatic Mah-jong : 自动麻将 ...


1.Neighbors in one of the older residential areas, called hutongs, play mah-jong even as nearby houses are demopshed.一些邻居在一个叫做胡同的老住宅区内打麻将——纵然旁边的房屋都已经被拆除了。

2.But then things changed. He began to play mah-jong.可是后来情况变了,他开始玩上了麻将。

3.Volunteers will play mah jong, other Chinese games, and western games with the residents at our sponsored elder care center.志愿者将和我们敬老中心里的居民打打麻将和玩玩中西游戏等。

4.they gather each morning to talk and play mah-jong g.他们每天清晨都会聚在这里聊天,打麻将。

5.I would rather watch TV than play mah-jong.我宁愿看电视而不愿打麻将。

6.To play Mah-jong well depends on both your skill and luck.要玩好麻将不仅要靠技术还要靠运气。

7.We generally play Mah-jong or cards together while chatting at the same time.我们一般一边聊天一边打麻将或玩牌什么的。

8.I play Mah-jong with my friends every afternoon. That can amuse us and make friends.每天下午,我和我的朋友玩麻将牌,既可以消遣又可以交朋友。

9.I hope you can then teach me how to play mah-jong我希望你能教我如何打麻将