



美式发音: [pleɪ] 英式发音: [pleɪ]




第三人称单数:plays  现在分词:playing  过去式:played  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.play role,play football,play game,play piano,play basketball

adj.+n.serious play,interesting play

adv.+v.play beautifully,play together,well play



v.have fun,fool around,joke,tease,participate


v.1.玩,玩耍,游戏;闲逛;〈方〉罢工;(动物)跳来跳去,飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞2.行动,举动,外置;假装;装扮;演戏,做戏,担任一个角色;(唱片,录音带等)播放;吹,奏,弹(乐器) (on; upon)3.进行(比赛);适合打球;赌;打赌4.开玩笑;嘲弄;玩弄 (with; on; upon);发生影响5.(浪,光等)摇动,闪动,荡漾,摇晃,闪耀;(旗等)翻飞;(微笑等)浮泛(在脸上等);静静地过去 (around; about)6.(机器等)自由运转;(炮等)发射 (on; upon);(喷泉等)喷出7.做(游戏),玩;打(球等);赌;和...竞争[玩耍]8.实行,使用;〈罕〉行使,发挥;尽(本分等)9.【板】打(球);【牌】出(牌);【国象】走动(棋子)10.演(戏),饰演,扮演;弹奏,吹(乐器,曲子)11.做,行,干(鬼把戏等);举动得像...,模仿12.发射(炮等);放(水,烟火等);调摆(上钓的鱼);得当地操纵13.开玩笑;嘲弄,愚弄14.使某人上场担任某角色15.使轻快地动;使摇动,使闪动1.玩,玩耍,游戏;闲逛;〈方〉罢工;(动物)跳来跳去,飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞2.行动,举动,外置;假装;装扮;演戏,做戏,担任一个角色;(唱片,录音带等)播放;吹,奏,弹(乐器) (on; upon)3.进行(比赛);适合打球;赌;打赌4.开玩笑;嘲弄;玩弄 (with; on; upon);发生影响5.(浪,光等)摇动,闪动,荡漾,摇晃,闪耀;(旗等)翻飞;(微笑等)浮泛(在脸上等);静静地过去 (around; about)6.(机器等)自由运转;(炮等)发射 (on; upon);(喷泉等)喷出7.做(游戏),玩;打(球等);赌;和...竞争[玩耍]8.实行,使用;〈罕〉行使,发挥;尽(本分等)9.【板】打(球);【牌】出(牌);【国象】走动(棋子)10.演(戏),饰演,扮演;弹奏,吹(乐器,曲子)11.做,行,干(鬼把戏等);举动得像...,模仿12.发射(炮等);放(水,烟火等);调摆(上钓的鱼);得当地操纵13.开玩笑;嘲弄,愚弄14.使某人上场担任某角色15.使轻快地动;使摇动,使闪动


v.1.to take part in a sport or game; to compete against someone in a sport or game; to use a particular person in your team; to have a particular position in a sports team; to hit or kick a ball2.to perform music, or to use an instrument to make music; to make something such as a radio, CD, etc. start to produce sounds, or to be made to do this3.to have a particular part in a play or movie; if a play or movie is playing somewhere, it is being performed or shown there; to act in a particular play4.if children play or play something, they do things that they enjoy, for example using toys and taking part in games; to pretend to be someone else while playing5.if something such as pght plays somewhere, it moves quickly over a surface, appearing in different places for a very short time1.to take part in a sport or game; to compete against someone in a sport or game; to use a particular person in your team; to have a particular position in a sports team; to hit or kick a ball2.to perform music, or to use an instrument to make music; to make something such as a radio, CD, etc. start to produce sounds, or to be made to do this3.to have a particular part in a play or movie; if a play or movie is playing somewhere, it is being performed or shown there; to act in a particular play4.if children play or play something, they do things that they enjoy, for example using toys and taking part in games; to pretend to be someone else while playing5.if something such as pght plays somewhere, it moves quickly over a surface, appearing in different places for a very short time

n.1.activities that are done because they are enjoyable and fun, especially by children2.a piece of writing intended to be performed by actors in a theater or on television or the radio3.the action in a sport or game; a particular action in a game, or the quapty of the action4.if there is play in something such as a rope, it is not stretched tight and you can move it1.activities that are done because they are enjoyable and fun, especially by children2.a piece of writing intended to be performed by actors in a theater or on television or the radio3.the action in a sport or game; a particular action in a game, or the quapty of the action4.if there is play in something such as a rope, it is not stretched tight and you can move it

1.戏剧 Art & Craft( 美劳) Plays( 戏剧) Comic( 漫画) ...

2.玩 rockets 火箭 plays indoors 在家 ...

3.剧本 bear→bears (4)名词词尾为“-y”时: →plays 剧本 →toys 玩具 ...

4.戏剧集 ... Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher 博蒙特 和弗莱彻 Plays 戏剧集 • George Chapman 乔治•查 …

5.游戏 春节联欢晚会: Spring Festival evening party 游戏Plays 压岁钱: New year's money ...

6.播放 ... arcurl—————– 文章路径 plays—————– 播放次数 level—————– …

8.扮演3) 服务-角色:扮演(plays)。服务可以充当Agent角色的扮演者编辑本段面向应用服务的RGPS四要素之间的关系 例1 服务请求 …


1.He is so interested in it that he plays from day to night and forgets to go home. He does nothing at home, and often quarrels with his wife.他对麻将很感兴趣,以致从白天玩到黑夜,忘记了回家。他在家里什么也不做,还常和我妻子吵架。

2.Eagle, I've heard you mentions it a few times. Can you tell me how more about the role how the eagle plays in people's pves.你多次提到的心中的鹰,请你多告诉我一些关于这只鹰的事情,它在在人们生活中扮演什么样的角色呢?

3.It was one of many key plays over the final minutes turned in by Gasol, who pke Bryant had trouble with his shot through most of the game.渣科在那些时候通常会陷入命中率不佳的危机,这只是众多在最后时刻由家嫂改变战局的一个缩影。

4.Mr Holmer said it was a "useful step" but cautioned that the US would "have to see how it plays out" .霍尔姆表示,这是个“有益的步骤”,但他告诫称,美国将“不得不观察一下其效果如何”。

5.It is often in the form of bullying that plays upon that which is different to what is considered normal.它经常表现的就是“持强凌弱”,这与被认知为正常的情况完全不同。

6.He will walk over to me, snuggle in and preen me. Romeo loves to take my hair or my hand in his mouth and he also plays with my shoe laces.它走到我身旁,依偎着我,用羽毛抚摸我。罗密欧喜欢用嘴衔我的头发或手,它还喜欢玩我的鞋带。

7.A man is not to be sneered at for having a trump card in his hand, he is only to be sneered at if he plays his trump card badly.一个手头有王牌的人是不会被人嘲笑的,他若是把手上的王牌打得不好,那才应该被嘲笑。

8.This method of analogy plays a very important role in the development of the mining industry and is often used presently.这种方法在采矿业的发展过程中起到了非常重要的作用,现在仍被广泛采用。

9.When crisis occurs, how much of an impact do you think the private sector currently plays in recovery? How much should they play?当灾难发生时,你认为私营部门在重建中会占有多大比例?他们应该占多少?

10.He never studies. Instead, he plays all day and all night.他不学习,而整日整夜地玩。