




1.游戏机 (Personal Computer, 个人计算机) (PlayStation索尼 32 位游戏机) (PocketStation, 索尼手提游戏机) ...

3.平台 制作: Production I.G 平台PlayStation 制作发行: SCE ...

4.索尼公司的主机 Photoshop 绘图软件 PlayStation 索尼公司的主机 polystyrene 聚苯乙烯 ...

5.索尼推出便携式 医生护士英语会话 UNIT FIVE AT THE DRUG STORE 索尼推出便携式 PlayStation Introductions 介始 ...


1."As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today, " said Sony in a statement.“可能你们已经知道了,现在有一些用户不能够连接到索尼的游戏网络平台”,索尼官方声明中说。

2.He also signed off on creating the company's PlayStation unit in the early 1990s, which became one of its biggest businesses.在上世纪90年代初期,大贺典雄还签署文件创建了索尼PlayStation业务部。PlayStation后来成为该公司最大的业务之一。

3.The company's future prospects have been further damaged by the Japan earthquake and the hack of its large PlayStation Network.而这个公司关于未来的展望还被日本近期的大地震所影响,同时旗下的Playstation还遭遇了黑客袭击。

4.When he goes on the road, he travels with a laptop, iPod and sometimes a Nintendo DS and a Sony PlayStation Portable.外出旅行时总会带上笔记本电脑和iPod,有时还会带上NDS和PSP。

5.For him, basketball was everything, " Micaelo said" He played basketball, he had basketball games on his Playstation.他喜欢打篮球,并且在自己的游戏网站上玩篮球游戏。

6.The company also said it would bundle the controller with some PlayStation 3 hardware this year, and also sell the controller on its own.这家公司还表示,本年内会将这款控制器与某些PlayStation3硬件捆绑销售,也可单独购买控制器。

7.The lack of any stock is the reason why prices in the Playstation Store tend to be higher than retail.该股缺乏任何一种原因,在游戏机商店价格往往高于零售。

8.Sony Computer Entertainment is in discussions with a number of companies about possible commercial apppcations for the PlayStation 3.索尼电脑娱乐公司(SonyComputerEntertainment)正在与许多公司洽谈,讨论PS3可能进行的商业应用。

9.The 1999 sequel, which will come to PlayStation Network later this month, was more of an action-oriented survival horror game.1999年的续作,则以动作为主,更偏向恐怖脱逃游戏。这一作在这个月下旬将会和大家见面。

10.The Japanese company originally planned to introduce the next-generation PlayStation after, or even during, the summer hopdays.索尼原计划在暑假过后、甚至是暑假期间推出下一代PlayStation游戏机。