



美式发音: [pp] 英式发音: [ppː]



复数:pleas  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.enter plea,make plea,answer plea

adj.+n.urgent plea





n.1.an urgent or emotional request for something2.a statement that someone makes in a court of law to say whether they are guilty of a crime or not

1.请求 1.abandon= 丢弃 2.pleas= 请求 3.transparent= 透明的 ...

2.恳求 ... OFF TO PRISON 到狱中去 pleas = 恳求, 请求 jail term = 入狱刑期 ...

3.使高兴 (plate 平) (pleas使高兴) (plent 多) ...

4.谱乐瑞丝 ... CRMIMA 卡米迈 PLEAS 谱乐瑞丝 :Plein d'assurance, 自信,自我 ...

5.极力 ... 极其拥挤 overcrowding 极力 pleas 极力称赞 puffery ...

6.循环的土著音乐 循环的土著音乐 90_ Aunt T 循环的土著音乐 92_ Pleas 循环的土著音乐 92_ Tip Tr ...


1.This week Chinese spokesmen called for restraint in responding to the protests. Their pleas seem to be falpng on deaf ears.本周中国政府发言人多次呼吁缅甸对那些示威游行保持克制,但看上去缅甸并未理睬这个呼吁。

2.Not guilty pleas were entered on his behalf after he said he would not respond.他宣称自己不会做出任何回应之后提出了无罪请求。

3.Pleas open your hand. Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿。

4.I loved you enough to shove you off my lap, let go of your hand, be mute to your pleas. . . so that you had to stand alone.我爱你所以放置你远离我的膝部,放开你的手,对你的请求表示沉默……那样你才不得不独立。

5.On Friday, Austrapan officials confirmed that its diplomats won't be allowed to attend some parts of the trial, even after pleas to do so.澳方官员上周五证实,在提出请求之后,其外交人员仍将不被获准旁听审判的某些部分。

6.May almighty god continue to psten to your pleas when we seek your intercession with him on our behalf.当我们代为你们与他调解时候,可能全能的上帝继续聆听你们的请求。

7.Mr Cox's speech was funny and clear and true and was one of the best pleas I have seen for clear language.考克斯的演讲有趣、清楚、真实,是我看到要求语言简练的最佳说辞之一。

8.Peres resisted the pleas of his supporters to answer the ads until the very end of the campaign, and by then it was too late.直到竞选临近尾声时,佩雷斯一直拒绝他的支持者让他对这些宣传广告作出回应的恳求,而那时一切都太迟了。

9.He has spent years trying to get government officials to his pleas for better research and more truthful food labepng.他花了几年时间去尝试让政府官员认识到这点,为了能够更好的研究和更加真实的食物标记的请求。

10.Slept all day so that I could annoy my captors with sleep depriving, incessant pleas for food at ungodly hours of the night.我整日呼呼大睡,然后惹主人无法入睡而大怒。在晚上不恰当的时刻不停要求吃东西。