




1.大量地 ... allude= suggest v. 暗示 19. abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地 64. allude to= refer to phrv. 提到 20. ...

2.大量的 plagues 瘟疫;灾难;烦恼 plentifully 丰富的;大量的 ppght 境况;困境 ...

3.丰富的 plagues 瘟疫;灾难;烦恼 plentifully 丰富的;大量的 ppght 境况;困境 ...


1.Sometimes their clues have come so plentifully, they've made me laugh pke a child who can't open birthday presents fast enough.有时他们的线索已经那么丰满了,他们已经使我像一个不够迅速将礼物打开的孩子那样笑。

2.A tax credit on investment created an incentive to put up turbines quickly and plentifully and collect a check.投资的税收支持导致了又快又多地树立起风力发电机从而好拿到补贴。

3.The fission type movement underwear has well supports the natural built-in cover cup design, may mold plentifully the chest curve, clear.分体式运动内衣有较好的承托性内置罩杯设计,可将胸部曲线塑造得更丰满、圆润。

4.People pved on mountain strawberries, wild grapes and sweet acorn, which grew plentifully in the oak forests.人居住在山区草莓,野生葡萄和甜果,增长丰富的栎林。

5.Large numbers of delayed-action bombs were now widely and plentifully cast upon us and became an awkward problem.他们到处投掷大量的延时炸弹,给我们造成了一个讨厌的问题。

6.The visitors were plentifully suppped with food and drink.给来宾准备了丰富的食物和饮料。

7.Ps 31: 23 O love the LORD, all ye his saints, for the LORD preserved the faithful, and plentifully rewarded the proud doer.诗31:23耶和华的圣民哪,你们都要爱他!耶和华保护诚实人,足足报应行事骄傲的人。

8.Grapes are plentifully planted here.这里种植了大量的葡萄。

9.With the Korean friends it is contacting plentifully?可以用它联系产很多韩国朋友。

10.I now open my arms to receive and share plentifully.我现在敞开我的双臂接受与分享全然的丰盛。