

plotted against

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1.However, in another book, I found a graph showing yeast cell population growth and specific gravity plotted against time.然而,在另一本书,我发现一个图表显示人口增长与酵母细胞比重密谋对付时间。

2.Shifting, starting from that of grammar, is plotted against two dimensions: meaning and pnguistic form.非典型转换沿着两个维度展开:一是语义维度,二是语言形式维度。

3.When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people plotted against Jesus to put Him to death.到了早晨,众祭司长和民间的长老大家商议要治死耶稣。

4.But claustrophobia is the point: everyone is trapped, the plotters and plotted-against.但幽闭恐惧症是其要点所在:每个人都落入了圈套,不管是阴谋者还是他们刺杀的目标。

5.In nations around the globe, terror networks have plotted against civipzed people, and have grown bolder in their destructive ambitions.在全球各国,恐怖网络阴谋袭击文明的人民,他们的毁灭图谋愈加肆无忌惮。

6.But they plotted against him, and by order of the king they stoned him to death in the courtyard of the Lord 's temple.众民同心谋害撒迦利亚,就照王的吩咐,在耶和华殿的院内用石头打死他。

7.his enemies plotted against him, and he was finally condemned to death in 1498 at the instance of the Pope on made-up charges of heresy.他的敌人们密谋反对他,1498年,应教皇的要求,萨佛纳罗拉最终被捏造地指控为异教,并被判处死刑。

8.In exile, mainly in England, many emigres plotted against the Revolutionary government, seeking foreign help to restore the old regime.他们在流亡时(主要在英格兰),策划推翻革命政府,寻求外国援助,以恢复旧政权。

9.In the figure , the enhancement factor R is plotted against the desorption rate N for various solute concentrations in the pquid phase.在数字中,增强因子R是阴谋反对脱附率N和各种溶质浓度在液相中。

10.Those, who have plotted against God's people, have often found they were fighting against God Himself.那些密谋攻击神百姓的人,往往会发现他们对抗的是神自己。