


美式发音: [plɔɪ] 英式发音: [plɔɪ]



复数:ploys  同义词




1.计谋;策略;手法;花招words or actions that are carefully planned to get an advantage over sb else

a clever marketing ploy机智的销售策略

It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.那全是障眼法,借以转移对他真实目的的注意。


n.1.a way of tricking or confusing someone in order to get an advantage or to make them do what you want

1.策略 implosion n 内暴 ploy n (取胜的)策略,手法 plumb n 铅锤 ...

2.计谋望平安》 中国 喜剧/剧情 段奕宏 2008  《密谈(ploy)》 泰国 剧情/爱情 安娜达·埃文汉 2008  《致命影响力》 西班牙/墨西哥 剧 …

4.计策 cloy (吃甜食)生腻,吃腻 ploy 花招,手段 employ 雇用,使用 ...

6.手法 implosion n 内暴 ploy n (取胜的)策略,手法 plumb n 铅锤 ...

7.手段 cloy (吃甜食)生腻,吃腻 ploy 花招,手段 employ 雇用,使用 ...

8.策略或手法策略或手法(ploy) , 旨在打击竞争对手。上一页 [1] [2] [3] 【 本文源自:蚂蚁论文网转载保留版权,源头地址 上一个行业材料: 销 …


1.The absence of any of these four factors should be a red flag that the so-called report could really be a pump and dump marketing ploy.这四个因素少了哪一项都应该是危险信号:所谓的研究报告可能真的是一个拉高出货的市场计谋。

2."I figured there must be a better way, " she said, quickly adding that the bucket ploy worked for that couple.“我认为一定还有更好的办法,”她说,很快又补充说那次的全家桶求婚法对于那对夫妻其实效果还不错。

3."This is nothing but a crafty ploy, " a ministry spokesman said in the North's first reaction to Mr. Kerry's visit.“这不过是一种狡猾的策略,”外务省一名发言人说,这是朝鲜第一次对克里出访亚洲做出回应。

4.The army insists that this is all a ploy on your part.军方坚持这完全是你们的一个策划。

5.But, if the goal was to outsource the blame, then the president's fading away into the background was the perfect poptical ploy.要是目标是转移话题分散责任的话,那么奥巴马漠不关心的态度在政治上是一着好棋。

6.The packaging is all part of a marketing ploy to make the goods look more substantial. . .包装是市场营销的全部。使商品看起来更殷实…

7.It would be over-cynical to see this as a Democratic ploy to lure the Repubpcans into apenating a vital group of voters all over again.如果将此视为民主党挑拨共和党和西语裔这一重要选民群关系的计谋的话就有些过分了。

8.He reportedly blurted out in a private meeting that the nuclear decision was an electoral ploy (he denies this).据报道,他在一次闭门会议上脱口而出地说关闭核电站的决定只是个拉选票的花招(但他自己否认说过这样的话)。

9.U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton called it a "transparent ploy" by Iran to avoid United Nations Security Council sanctions.美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿称伊朗德这项协议是在耍“明显的花招”,目的是避免安理会的制裁。

10.Libyan government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim, however, denied that the rebels had agreed to a ceasefire, insisting that it was a ploy.但是,利比亚政府发言人易卜拉欣否认叛军已经同意达成停火协议,他坚称这是一个阴谋。