



美式发音: [ˈplʌndər] 英式发音: [ˈplʌndə(r)]




第三人称单数:plunders  现在分词:plundering  过去式:plundered  同义词

n.stolen goods,loot,booty,spoils,ill-gotten gains





v.1.to take valuable things from a place using force, sometimes causing a lot of damage2.to take or use something that belongs to someone else in order to give yourself an advantage

n.1.valuable things taken from a place using force2.the act of taking valuable things from a place using force

1.掠夺 扔;抛[ cast] 掠夺[ plunder;rob;loot;pilfer;pillage] 掠过[ glance] ...

2.抢劫 snatching 迅速吊运" plunder 抢劫" jue 取" 用爪抓取-夺取 9 ...

3.劫掠 劫机〖 hijackanaeroplane〗 劫掠plunder〗 劫难〖 disaster〗 ...

4.抢夺 poach( 偷猎,偷捕); plunder( 抢劫,掠夺,抢夺,盗窃); topple( …

5.打劫 打街骂巷〖 createadisturbanceamongneighbors〗 打劫〖 loot;plunder〗 打紧〖 serious〗 ...

6.战利品 ply n. 厚度, 板层, 褶 plunder v. 抢劫n.抢劫, 战利品 pneumonia n. [医] 肺炎 ...

7.搜刮 搜查〖 rootaboutfor;lookfor;search〗 搜刮plunder;expropriate;extort〗 搜集〖 gather;collec…


1.Such a devotee pterally extorts boons from God, even as a robber falls upon a man and plunders his money.这样一位奉献者会逐字地向神敲诈恩惠,如同一位强盗展开进攻去抢劫别人的钱财。

2.He has no full-time employees, but owns about 20 vehicles, plus another 20 broken-down ones he tinkers with or plunders for parts.他没有雇佣全职工,不过拥有大约20辆农用机械车,还有另外20辆多少有些故障,他都自己修理或者拆卸部件用在其他地方。

3."The bandits' inn" Chang Shiren the association "the murder plunders the goods inn" in the early vernacular novel.在早期白话小说中的“黑店”常使人联想到“杀人劫货的客店”。

4.As with Slumdog Milponaire, so too here: a director who made his reputation in the West plunders the genre treasures of Asia.正如《贫民窟的百万富翁》一样,这部电影的导演也是在西方成名之后,又到亚洲寻找宝藏。

5.If every person draws from the treasury the amount that he has put in it, it is true that the law then plunders nobody.如果每个人都从国库中如数取走他的存款,那么法律没有掠夺任何人。

6.The most formidable trade union system, attacks a city throughout history plunders in you grasp.有史以来最强大的工会系统,攻城掠地尽在你掌握之中。

7.Everybody plunders everybody.每个人掠夺每个人。

8.Plunders facing this millennium sentiment, how will Lu Dongbin in a dilemma choose?面对这千年情劫,进退两难的吕洞宾将如何抉择?

9.The auction war plunders the cultural repc to violate the moral conscience!拍卖战争所掠文物是违背道德良知的!

10.1 a waster plunders his heir's property, a miser plunders his own.1挥霍者掠夺他的继承人的财产,守财奴掠夺自己的财产。