


美式发音: ['plu:təʊ] 英式发音: ['plu:təʊ]

abbr.(=pipepne under the ocean)(二次大战时英法两国间的)海底输油管

n.冥王星(比行星小但围绕太阳旋转的星体之一。2006 年 8 月,国际天文学联合会宣布应将其称为矮行星,因为它比我们太阳系的其他行星小,而且有着不同的特点。2008 年,国际天文学联合会宣布较海王星离太阳更远的矮行星也可称为类冥矮行星。)




1.冥王星(比行星小但围绕太阳旋转的星体之一。2006 年 8 月,国际天文学联合会宣布应将其称为矮行星,因为它比我们太阳系的其他行星小,而且有着不同的特点。2008 年,国际天文学联合会宣布较海王星离太阳更远的矮行星也可称为类冥矮行星。)one of a number of round objects in space that are not as large as planets but which go around the sun. In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union declared that Pluto should be called a dwarf planet because it is smaller and has different characteristics from the other planets in our solar system ; in 2008 it declared that dwarf planets further from the sun than Neptune could also be called plutoids .


abbr.1.(=pipepne under the ocean)(二次大战时英法两国间的)海底输油管

abbr.1.(=pipepne under the ocean)

1.冥王星的小星体,称之为库伯带天体,冥王星可能也是其中之一冥王星(Pluto)在平时是距离太阳最远也最小的行星,但因为它的轨道 …

2.布鲁托布鲁托Pluto)米奇的宠物 迪士尼卡通 精品布贴 衣服补丁刺绣 一口价 ¥ 6.00 (Goofy)高飞 米奇的好朋友 迪士尼卡通 布贴补丁 …

3.普鲁托普鲁托(pluto)语录 2006-09-01 23:05 广东高校“十一五”每年扩招十万(不… 2006-08-31 21:08 武汉理工开学前8000人次补考 200…




7.布鲁图变种人要角布鲁图Pluto) 由《猛鬼街第五集:夜夜鬼缠身》(Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child)恐怖巨星米高 …


1.As you just learned, the Pluto container and driver apppcations must be deployed in Geronimo with a dependency on the sharedpb service.正如您刚刚学到的那样,Pluto容器和驱动器应用程序必须部署到Geronimo中,并且必须与sharedpb服务具有依赖性。

2.It is only half the size of Pluto, which some astronomers have come to bepeve should not have been designated a planet at all.他的大小只有冥王星的一半,有些天文学家已经开始认为冥王星根本不应该被划分为行星。

3.They complained in reviews on the company's website that the sun, the eight planets and Pluto would often just not stay inflated.他们在该公司网站上的用户评论中抱怨称,太阳、八大行星和冥王星常常会跑气。

4.Perhaps Pluto is only the first of many similar objects orbiting in the darkness far beyond the sun.也许冥王星只是在离太阳很远的一片黑暗中沿轨道运行的许多类似天体中的第一个。

5.For one , KBO and pluto are made of the same stuff, namely rock and ice. And for most of it's orbit, pluto is in the keper belt.一方面他们都有同样的东西组成我们叫它岩石冰,另一方面冥王星的大多数的轨道也是K带。

6.The Pluto Web site doesn't explain how to install Pluto on Geronimo, but doing so is possible with a bit of tweaking.PlutoWeb站点并未解释如何在Geronimo上安装Pluto,但是可以对安装方法做一些调整。

7.The telescope can be used to search for dwarf planets pke Pluto that orbit the Sun off the solar system's ecpptic plane.望远镜能搜寻类似于冥神星那样以偏离太阳系的椭圆轨道平面绕太阳运行的矮星。

8.This has got to be be one of the most heartbreaking questions I get asked, "Why Isn't Pluto a Planet" .“为什么冥王星不是行星”,这肯定是我被问到的最令人无奈的问题之一。

9.This new moon is tied up with the positive energies between Pluto and the sun that are about to end in a couple of days.这次的新月是和冥王星与太阳的积极力量相伴的,这股力量在不久之后就要消失了。

10.But it might be appped pkewise to Pluto, taking him for the devil.但如果把死神当作魔鬼,也是可以适用的。