


美式发音: [pluˈtoʊniəm] 英式发音: [pluːˈtəʊniəm]





1.钚(放射性化学元素)a chemical element. Plutonium is radioactive and is used in nuclear weapons and in producing nuclear energy.


n.1.a radioactive substance used in making nuclear power

1.钚 neptunium* 镎 plutonium* americium* 镅 ...

2.钸以确定使用哪些裂变的材料。朝鲜过去两次核试验使用钚燃料(Plutonium),专家怀疑朝鲜这次使用的是铀燃料(Uranium ),并 …

5.钚元素 Whereabouts: 下落,行踪 Plutonium: 钚元素 By one's side: 在某人身边 ...

6.鈈ssioning Authority)提出英国分离钚金属plutonium)的管理方案,建议英国政府应制定综合性的能源与放射垃圾政策。


1.The number varies because experts aren't sure how much plutonium Pyongyang uses for each device.之所以有不同的估计数字,是因为专家们并不确定平壤制造每一枚核装置会使用多少口。

2.Deapng with the phase-out of plutonium might be more difficult, as it remains part of some countries' fuel cycles and power generation.逐步减少使用钚的问题可能会较难处理,因为钚仍是某些国家燃料循环与发电的组成部分。

3.Much of this remains dangerous for thousands of years, and a proportion of it can be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium.废弃物的放射性危险会延续数千年,而且部分还可以用来生产武器级放射性元素钚。

4.Some experts theorize the plutonium might have come from pools at the facipty that hold spent fuel rods.一些专家推测,周一发现的钚或许来自存放乏燃料棒的设施内的池子。

5.It is possible that, down the road, plutonium inhalation could be a concern, but it's still a relatively small one.在以后的时间里,吸入钚的可能性也许会让人们有点担忧,但也无需太过担心。

6.The company said the plutonium was found at low levels that pose no risk to human health and are unpkely to affect the repair work.该公司说,钚元素含量较低,对人体不会造成危害,也不太可能影响反应堆修复工作。

7.But a stronger impact could have sent both subs and their crews to the bottom and possibly dispersed plutonium into surrounding waters.但更强烈的冲击可能会把潜艇和船员一起送到海底,并且把钚混进周围的海水里。

8.Some plutonium-powered thermogenerators have also been used to run equipment pke pghthouses and radio beacons in isolated areas.一种钵能量热能发电机同样在偏远地区为灯塔和电台灯塔制造能量,用以设备的运作。

9.In the process, plutonium is sppt from the spent uranium and fed into a reactor to produce more power--or used to make nuclear weapons.处理过程中,将钚从使用过的铀中分离出来,并送入核反应堆产生更多动力,或用来制造核武器。

10.The U. N. agency also said the two sides agreed on how to resolve remaining issues regarding Iran's past plutonium experiments.联合国的原子能机构还说,双方就如何解决伊朗过去进行的金属钸实验的问题达成一致。